Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire content

Wyvern Patriarch

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Disambig icon.png This article is about a Mythwright Gambit encounter. For the Verdant Brink encounter, see Legendary Wyvern Patriarch.

The Wyvern Patriarch is a powerful wyvern summoned alongside the Wyvern Matriarch by Qadim during the battle at the Mythwright Cauldron within the Mythwright Gambit.


Crystal Desert

Combat abilities[edit]


DefianceLocked defiance bar

  • Vengeance (Mordrem).png Enraged (if not defeated soon after releasing Zommoros) - Increases damage dealt by 100%
  • Fire Breath - Creates areas of blazing fire.
  • Slash - The wyvern slashes, and then slams down its mighty fist, stunning foes and dealing heavy damage.
  • Tail Swipe - The wyvern swipes its tail, dealing heavy damage and causing blowout.
  • Wing Buffet - ...
Stolen skills


  • Wyvern Patriarch has a 540 range diameter hitbox.