Wagh Nearshot

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Renown heart NPC.png

Wagh Nearshot


Interactive map

Wagh Nearshot is a Renown Heart NPC in Bloodcliff Quarry. After you've assisted the Quarry workers, he will begin offering items as a karma merchant.


Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the Quarry Workers (17)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Iron Mining Pick Mining pick Basic 10 49 Karma
Polished Stone.png Polished Stone Accessory Fine 17 189 Karma
Iron Band.png Iron Band Ring Fine 17 224 Karma
Polished Stone.png Polished Stone Accessory Masterwork 17 371 Karma
Recipe sheet masterwork hammer.png Recipe: Hammer Recipe sheet Masterwork 126 Karma
Recipe sheet masterwork mace.png Recipe: Mace Recipe sheet Masterwork 126 Karma
Crude Salvage Kit.png Crude Salvage Kit Salvage kit Basic 28 Karma


Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Welcome to Bloodcliff Quarry. Rocks! Dirt! Ore! I can't get enough of 'em. Know what I could do without? Those dirty mole rats that keep interfering with our work.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place.
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We miners collect ore for the legions. It might sound menial, but it's a very important job. We feed the war machine.
Talk more option tango.png What can I do to help?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Stomp on any dredge you see. They're everywhere, like ants. On top of that, my workers have started slacking off while on duty. If you catch them, get them moving again.
Talk more option tango.png Anything else I should know? (Same as "Is there anything else I can do?" below)
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
Talk end option tango.png Keep up the good work.
Talk more option tango.png Is there anything I can do?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Nice job taking care of those mole rats. That attack hindered our performance slightly, but we'll make it up in not time. The legions thank you.
Talk more option tango.png Is there anything else I can do?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png The dredge are wreaking havoc around here! We've got drills toppling, mole patrol, and rock piles to blow up.
Talk more option tango.png Drills toppling?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png The dredge are pushing up mounds of dirt, and knocking over our drills. We need to get the drills back up, then find a rock and[sic] to collapse the dredge holes.
Talk back option tango.png What else is these to do?
Talk end option tango.png Sounds easy enough.
Talk more option tango.png Mole patrol?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png There are spots around the quarry where dredge pop out of the ground. We're not sure if they're spies, or just trying to get under our fur, but we have a special tool for dealing with them.
Talk more option tango.png A special tool?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We call it the Mole Whacker. You can grab one over where the dredge pop out of the ground. Use it to chase them back into the dirt.
Talk back option tango.png What else is these to do?
Talk end option tango.png Sounds like fun.
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
Talk more option tango.png Blow up rocks?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Any rock that's too big for our hammers gets piled up and rigged with explosives. I'll give you the honor of detonating them, since you're our guest.
Talk back option tango.png What else is these to do?
Talk end option tango.png I'm intrigued.
Talk more option tango.png What's up with worker morale?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Don't you mean, "What's 'down' with worker morale"? It's tough to do our jobs when the dredge won't leave us alone for five measly minutes. Some have lost their will to keep going.
Talk back option tango.png What else is these to do?
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk end option tango.png That's a lot of work.
Talk end option tango.png Glad I could help.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
During Drive the dredge from Bloodcliff Quarry
If the dredge want this quarry, they'll have to pry it from my cold, dead claws!
Talk end option tango.png They won't get past me!
During Stop the dredge from stealing equipment and returning it to their personnel transports
There are dredge coming for our equipment! Stop them before they tunnel back into the ground!
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do.
(If Stop the dredge from stealing equipment and returning it to their personnel transports succeeded)[verification requested]
Complete heart (map icon).png Nice job taking care of those mole rats. That attack hindered our performance slightly, but we'll make it up in not time. The legions thank you.
(Otherwise)[verification requested]
Complete heart (map icon).png Fine work, <Character name>. It's too bad you don't work for me full time. I'd give you a promotion.
Talk merchant tango.png Are these for sale? Let me see.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place. (Not always a choice)
Complete heart (map icon).png We miners collect ore for the legions. It might sound menial, but it's a very important job. We feed the war machine.
Talk more option tango.png What can I do to help?
Complete heart (map icon).png You're quite a dredge-killing machine, <Character name>. You're welcome to stick around and kill as many of 'em as you like.
Talk end option tango.png What can I do to help?
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Glad I could help.


Uses the merchant rather than the karma icon
  • He will not offer his goods while the event Drive the dredge from Bloodcliff Quarry is running, so if the event has started, it has to be completed first before you're able to purchase something from him again.