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User Teletric MainImg.png

United States
June, 5th (24 years)
Male.png Male
Ehmry Bay (US)
Honestead of Tyrian Misfits
Favorite Skill
Engineer icon small.png Blowtorch
HoT Texture Centered Trans.png This user has the Heart of Thorns expansion.
PoF logo small.png This user has the Path of Fire expansion.
Blowtorch.png Blowtorch is Teletric's favorite skill.
User Teletric TrahearneJokes.png

Moderator of /r/TrahearneJokes and the Guild Wars 2 subreddit.

You can find me in game with the account name Teletric.3821

Questions and Comments[edit]

You can ask me any questions or give me any feedback here!

Favorite Wiki Pages[edit]

A page that basically lists every skin that exists in both Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2. I personally refer to this so that I can connect my Guild Wars 1 characters to their Guild Wars 2 descendants by equipping them with the same/similar gear.
Rewards you for contributing to specific sets on the wiki. It's kind of like a bounty board for wiki edits!

Other Pages[edit]