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Thwart the Purist agitators!

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Thwart the Purist agitators!

Interactive map

Interactive map

Thwart the Purist agitators! is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs at Lutgardis Market in Lutgardis Plaza. It takes more than 15 minutes for this event to spawn after finishing Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Purist champion (80).


  • Agitators defeated: x/5
  • Time limit: 10:00
  • Veteran Purist <type>
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Just prior to this event starting five Sidewalk Hatemongers will appear and walk to locations surrounding the Lutgardis Market point of interest. Initially they cannot be attacked. They attract a small group of residents around them and then the event starts at which point each of the Hatemongers can be attacked. Defiance bars will appear and they will need to be broken for each Hatemonger. They can be broken with weapon skills, or with the Throw Rotten Food bundle skill from the Spoiled Fruit objects that spawn around the event area.

Once the defiance bar is broken on a Sidewalk Hatemonger, it will become vulnerable to damage, and additional purists will appear. Depending on the upscaling for the event, the additional purists may be veterans. After a few seconds of combat, the Sidewalk Hatemonger will reveal itself as a Purist.

After defeating each of the five Sidewalk Hatemongers, a follow-up event, Defeat the Purist champion occurs in a different area of the city, Old Kaineng.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Additional spawns after breaking the defiance bar of the Sidewalk Hatemongers


Before and during event
One of the following:
Sidewalk Hatemonger: First it was the Luxons, the Kurzicks... Now tengu live beside us as if they were equal. Is this what Cantha has become?
Sidewalk Hatemonger: The empress is too weak to reclaim her own palace, much less return Old Kaineng to its former glory!
Sidewalk Hatemonger: The empress let those...insurrectionists into Cantha, and they repay her kindness by attacking our fair city!
Sidewalk Hatemonger: The so-called Ministry of Security is far too weak and bogged down with bureaucracy to keep you safe. We need action!
Sidewalk Hatemonger: The outsiders have sabotaged our government! Besieged Shing Jea! Agitated the ruffians in Echovald! This must end. Now.
Sidewalk Hatemonger: These Tyrian outsiders bring nothing but war and suffering! Since their arrival, we have been plagued with misfortune.
Sidewalk Hatemonger: Witness how they bring nothing but bloodshed and destruction! We were safer in isolation.
When Sidewalk Hatemonger reveals themself as a Purist
One of the following:
Veteran Purist <type>: See how they try to intimidate us—in our home. Aid me, fellow Canthans.
Veteran Purist <type>: The outsiders want to silence the truth! Let us show them the real Cantha. Our Cantha.
Veteran Purist <type>: We will not be censored!


Sometimes one of the Sidewalk Hatemongers can be found outside of the event area, south over the bridge.