Sentry-skritt Laktanek

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Sentry-skritt Laktanek


Interactive map

Sentry-skritt Laktanek is a skritt guarding the Skrittsburgh Hillstead's gate leading to Skrittsburgh Center.


Maguuma Jungle


While Skrittsburgh Center is open
Welcome to Skrittsburgh Center, outsider. You are free to walk our halls. Remain a friend, you shall be treated as a friend.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
When the king is in danger
Our king! Our king is in danger. Save him! Please, help!
Talk end option tango.png Calm down. I'll do what I can.
After the king has died
I cannot open this gate. Not for you, not for anyone. The last time we opened our gates bad things got in and killed our king. Now a new king must be chosen in secret. Now the gates must be closed.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
During Defend Hillstead skritt from Nightmare Court trappers
The Nightmare Court is attacking us, and so close to the center! No, drive them away!
Talk end option tango.png I'lll[sic] see what I can do.
During Free Hillstead skritt from the Nightmare Court
Look, look. The Nightmare Court has hypnotized some of the king's subjects. They make them mean, make them fight. Please, help them! The king would be grateful!
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do.
After success of Defend Hillstead skritt from Nightmare Court trappers or Free Hillstead skritt from the Nightmare Court, up until Skrittsburgh Center is open again
This gate to Skrittsburgh Center is shut. No in, no out. Our new king is cautious after outsiders killed the old one. He must be safe, our treasures and people must be safe.
Talk more option tango.png When will the gates be opened?
When no danger is seen. Prove to the king outsiders can be trusted, prove Skrittsburgh is safe. Maybe then gates will be open.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me more about Skrittburgh Center. (Same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me more about Skrittburgh Center.
Many skritt in the Center. Merchants, builders, soldiers, families...well organized and working together. Skrittsburgh will help us grow, learn, be something greater.
Talk more option tango.png When can I go inside? (Same as "When will the gates be opened?" above)
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.