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Researcher's Record

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Researcher's Record

The Researcher's Record is a scroll written by the mursaat High Researcher Darda.




Record of High Researcher Darda

The Heart of the Obscure hums in your possession. Your eyes flash, and the old mursaat script on the scroll shifts until it becomes familiar—readable.

Pretenders. Never have I seen such a farce. I would almost be impressed if I had less than a pinch of self-respect left in these ancient bones. What Manikaz and his cabal of our peers are doing to that town may yield impressive results in time, but the theater of it. "Gods," and "the Unseen," they call themselves, and what is worse are those preening "White Mantle" sycophants that sit at their talons.

I remember a time when finding our way home was paramount, not to be abandoned to this realm cursed with dragons, "gods," and other threats from beyond. We inherited the punishments of our forebearers—at least, those who survived the last cycle. Though, perhaps it is for the best. Perhaps we are the monsters our Mists-born ancestors deemed us to be, if my peers' actions are indicative.

There used to be more like me. Too many lost in the war with the seers, others exiling themselves to far corners. They had the right of it, I think. Maybe I will leave, but where does a being like me even go? Some nights, I dream of Mehir—his golden face. I see him drifting between citadels of another realm.

Foolish dreams. This is the only home I have ever known, for better or worse.