Order of Shadows Seal
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“Redeem at a Shadows handler after successful field order deliveries or for renown with Keeper Pamir at Torment's Watch in the Desolation.
Proof of service to the Order of Shadows.— In-game description
- 1 for completing Collect intel reports from Shadows dead drops (80)
- Regardless of how many Order of Shadow Intel Reports are turned in, only 1 Order of Shadows Seal will be awarded.
- 1 for completing Help the Shadows handler deliver field orders to the watchers (80).
- 1 for each Field Order you hand in to a Watcher during the above event.
Currency for[edit]
- You can only buy 5 Coin of Lies per day, the purchase limit is shared between the Shadows Handler and Keeper Pamir.
Related achievements[edit]
The Desolation: Shadow Sprinter — Earn Order of Shadows Seals by successfully completing events and lending assistance to agents throughout the Ruptured Heart and the Desolation. (8 )