Living World Season 4 content


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Renown heart NPC repeatable.png



Interactive map

Malor is a Renown Heart NPC found east of the Atholma village in The Ruined Paths.


Crystal Desert

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Atholma Farms (80)

Items offered[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Difluorite Crystal.png Bundle of Difluorite Crystals Service Exotic 2,688 Karma
Mini Sand Elemental.png Mini Sand Elemental Miniature Rare 105,000 Karma + 25 Difluorite Crystal
Recipe sheet masterwork food.png Recipe: Bowl of Poultry Satay Recipe sheet Masterwork 17,500 Karma
Recipe sheet masterwork food.png Recipe: Plate of Beef Rendang Recipe sheet Masterwork 17,500 Karma
Recipe sheet masterwork food.png Recipe: Avocado Smoothie Recipe sheet Masterwork 14,000 Karma
Bottle of Coconut Milk.png Bottle of Coconut Milk Crafting material Basic 249 Karma + 1 Difluorite Crystal
Rolan's Master Key.png Trader's Key (5 per day) Service Rare 245 Karma + 10 Trade Contract


Before completion
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png The elders say you mean well, but we've suffered for trusting outsiders before.
Talk more option tango.png What if I pitched in around here?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png I'm not one to turn down free help. We have eggs and honey to gather, and Kian has those beetles to deal with...
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find honey for you?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png Bees build their hives in trees all around here, but you'll need to find a way to get up to them.
Talk more option tango.png Where do you get your eggs?
Talk more option tango.png What was that about beetles?
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do for you.
Talk more option tango.png Where do you get your eggs?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We gather hawk eggs from their nests atop of the ridges and ruined walls along the coast. It's a tricky climb up to them.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find honey for you?
Talk more option tango.png What was that about beetles?
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do for you.
Talk more option tango.png What was that about beetles?
Renown Heart empty (map icon).png We're overrun with beetles here—the large, hungry kind. They're infesting our farms, and they also harass us near the coast.
Talk more option tango.png Where do you get your eggs?
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find honey for you?
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do for you.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can do for you.
Talk end option tango.png I mean your people no harm. Take care.