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Journal (Ankka's Notes)

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Journal is a book located in the Aetherblade Hideout at the Xunlai Jade Junkyard in The Echovald Wilds. It is a series of journal entries written by Ankka. Reading it is required for the Evolution Within Decay achievement.




Ankka's Notes

Been in Cantha for months now. Mai's out mixing it up with the locals, gathering information. The rest of us? Dying of boredom among the wreckage of human hubris.

At least when we were trapped in the Mists, you'd never know what'd try and kill you.

Here? It's just Risen. All day, every day.


Mai's been gone for days now. Probably got herself caught- shouldn't have gone to Yong alone. Been talking to Renyak about what that means. What we should do with her gone.

Spotted a Canthan necromancer in the ruins today. Did something to a Risen- stole its magic and put it in a bottle.

Intriguing. Follow up later.


Mai's back. Just like that. And according to Ivan, her little mishap gained her and ally. (Of course she talked to him, and not her first mate.)

Mai wants us to continue lying low. Promises she's working to "build us a better future." Whatever that means.


Mai's new "ally" is Joon. The matriarch of jade tech. I thought we were done serving wannabe gods.

Learned more about the Canthan necromancers: "harbingers." Scavengers, mixing elixirs from whatever magic they find. Dragons. Spirits. The land itself. Theory: Using so many different magics dilutes the effect? Why not focus on one?

There are so many Risen here. Time to make use of them.


Renyak shot one of those crows that hang around today. I could feel its death. Such a small thing- and trivial to bring it back.

Clearly the elixirs are working even better than expected. Some side effects, of course, but nothing that matters.


I'll give Mai a bit of credit: she's using Joon well. We've left those ruins, set up a few other bases throughout Cantha. Part of her "arrangement." Still lying low, though. Always lying low. At least the caves in Shing Jea and the forests of Echovald provide a change of scenery. New targets to experiment on.

Abilities are getting stronger. Hid in the trees. Raised a dead wallow in the middle of some Speakers. The looks on their faces..

Need to organize the crew. May be time to act soon.

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