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Janthir Field Notes: Troll Cave

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Janthir Field Notes: Troll Cave

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Janthir Field Notes: Troll Cave is a book written by an unknown Astral Ward member, sitting in the Astral Ward Moon Camp.




Janthir Field Notes: Troll Cave

One of the lowlanders showed me to the local troll cave for an introduction between myself and the troll leader. Woken by Peace acted as my translator.

I noticed a peculiar glow from the center of their cave; its iridescent shimmer immediately caught my eye. I didn't believe my initial instinct until I got closer and confirmed that instinct immediately. They'd somehow acquired a scale of Glint! I've seen one in person before—a gift to Isgarren from the crystal queen herself, though for what purpose he's never said.

The one I found in the troll cave is encompassed by branches—perhaps it was here before they called this place home?

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