Hundred Blades/history
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March 19, 2024
- Increased the power coefficient per strike from 0.35 to 0.4 in PvP only. Increased the final strike power coefficient from 0.8 to 1.0 in PvP only.
Hundred Blades
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Weapon
- Greatsword
- Activ. type
- Channeled
- Game link
“Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
Damage (8x): 1,864 (4.62)? Damage (8x): 1,128 (2.8)? Damage (8x): 1,288 (3.2)? Final strike damage: 488 (1.21)? Final strike damage: 323 (0.8)? Final strike damage: 403 (1.0)?- Number of Targets: 3
- Range: 130
— In-game description
February 25, 2020
- Hundred Blades: (Competitive split) Reduced power coefficient of each strike from 0.525 to 0.35. Reduced final strike power coefficient from 1.1 to 0.8.
Hundred Blades
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Weapon
- Greatsword
- Activ. type
- Channeled
- Game link
“Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
Damage (8x): 1,864 (4.62)? Damage (8x): 1,128 (2.8)? Final strike damage: 488 (1.21)? Final strike damage: 323 (0.8)?- Number of Targets: 3
- Range: 130
— In-game description
February 06, 2018
- Hundred Blades: The damage of this skill has been increased by 10% for all strikes in PvE only.
Hundred Blades
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Weapon
- Greatsword
- Activ. type
- Channeled
- Game link
“Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
Damage (8x): 1,864 (4.62)? Damage (8x): 1,696 (4.2)? Final strike damage: 488 (1.21)? Final strike damage: 444 (1.1)?- Number of Targets: 3
- Range: 130
— In-game description
September 09, 2014
- Hundred Blades Lowered damage of initial strikes by 5% each.
- Final strike remains unchanged.
Hundred Blades
- Profession
Warrior (skill list)
- Weapon
- Greatsword
- Activ. type
- Channeled
- Game link
“Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
- Damage (8x): 1,696 (4.2)?
- Final strike damage: 444 (1.1)?
- Number of Targets: 3
- Range: 130
— In-game description
October 29, 2013
- Hundred Blades: Fixed the skill fact to properly update when traited with Slashing Power.
Original version
Hundred Blades
“Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
- Damage (8x): 1,624 (4.4)?
- Final strike damage: 406 (1.1)?
- Range: 130
— In-game description