Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Flowering Meadow

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Flowering Meadow is a kodan in Harvest Den and is the daughter of Distant Thunder.


  • Lowland Shore
    • Harvest Den
      • East of Point of interest (map icon).png Stoic Alder's House, on a terrace just above the Heart NPC


Flowering Meadow: Oh, outlander! Um, or Wayfinder? Could I borrow you for a moment? I just want to ask a couple of questions.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you share a story or two with me of the lands beyond? It's been a long time since I've left the wilds.
Talk more option tango.png Sure. What would you like to know?
Have you met any kodan in your travels?
Talk more option tango.png Plenty. I spent some time in the northern Shiverpeaks battling Jormag.
The Shiverpeaks! What about the sanctuaries? Oh, please tell me you've been to one of the sanctuaries!
Talk collection option.png What is this really about?
Oh, I am sorry; I got carried away. There is...someone I know who lives in a sanctuary. Someone I miss terribly.
His name is Winter Sky. CouldI...could I trouble you to bring a letter to him? I cannot go myself.
Oh, and flowers! I will write the letter now, if you would be kind enough to gather some flowers for me.
Talk end option tango.png Perharps another time.

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