Destr Hearteater

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Destr Hearteater


Interactive map

Destr Hearteater is a charr cub who is training as an apprentice under Drottot Lashtail in Devourer's Mouth.



Event involvement[edit]

Event collect (tango icon).png Lure out devourers to get at their eggs (3)
Event boss (tango icon).png Kill the giant enraged devourer to quell the uprising (3)


During Lure out devourers to get at their eggs
The devourers can only be lured off their nests with the lures. That's why they call them that. Lures, I mean.
Talk more option tango.png You're the smart one. I can tell.
It may seem complicated, but it's not. We're going to make baby devourers and train them for the legions.
Talk more option tango.png Make baby devourers?
Yeah. We raise them from the eggs, and them we tame them, and then they fight for us, instead of against us. It's mighty smart.
Talk end option tango.png So it is. I'll do what I can to help.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to that.
Talk end option tango.png Okay. I'm going somewhere else.
If event isn't active
Did you know that devourers are the strongest beasts ever to live anywhere in Tyria?
Talk more option tango.png They are?
Sure! Well, except maybe for dragons. Dragons are mighty. I bet if a dragon and a devourer fought, the dragon would win, unless the devourer had all its friends with it too. My devourers are gonna be tough enough to take down a dragon.
Talk more option tango.png You're a tamer's apprentice, are you?
That's right. One day, I'll have a whole herd of devourers, and I'm going to feed them only humans. It'll make them tougher than feeding them beef.
Talk more option tango.png And the devourers do what exactly?
What do you think? They go crazy and kill stuff. It's pretty cool. You should stick around and watch sometime. I have to go now though.
Talk end option tango.png All right. Keep up the good work.
(if human)
Talk more option tango.png Hey! I'm human. What exactly do you mean?
Oh, yeah. Well, that's okay. I won't feed you to them. Only other humans. Someday. When I have my own herd. You'll probably be dead by then anyway.
Talk more option tango.png What do the devourers do?
What do you think? They go crazy and kill stuff. It's pretty cool. You should stick around and watch sometime. I have to go now though.
Talk end option tango.png All right. Keep up the good work.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. I think.
Talk end option tango.png That sounds like a lot of work. I'll leave you to it.
Talk end option tango.png That's the way to think big. Carry on.
Talk end option tango.png You're crazy, kit. Go learn something why don't you?


His in-game name is preceded by a space character.