Living World Season 2 content

Bloodstones (book)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about a book. For the artifacts, see Bloodstone.

Bloodstones (book)

Book (black).jpg

Special Collections
(Hidden Arcana)
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Interactive map (floor -13)

Bloodstones is a book found in the Durmand Priory's Special Collections during the Hidden Arcana chapter of the Echoes of the Past.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 2[edit]


"What are bloodstones?" From notes taken by a young Nicholas Sandford in discussion with his friend, historic figure Durmand, a renowned historian.
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Last time Elder Dragons awoke, Seers put magic in a stone (to save it from dragons). This worked. After dragons went back to sleep, gods came and hoarded bloodstone and other treasures in Arah.
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Abaddon, god of water and secrets, gave the stone away to some races. This caused wars, because people fought over it. King Doric begged that it be taken back so the battles for power would end.
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The gods agreed. They used Doric's blood to seal the stone (blood + stone = bloodstone) and it broke it into five pieces. They threw them in a big volcano. Of course, it erupted, and spewed them out.
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People found them and used them for evil, like Mursaat. Not all have been found.
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Bloodstones affect an area: healing and cursing, for example. The four bloodstones (fifth was a key—whatever that means) have properties: aggression, destruction, preservation, and denial.
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Magic flows from the bloodstones back into the world. Bloodstone shards are rare, but still known to affect anyone or anything within range. Bloodstone dust is far less effective.
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