Black Lion Agent
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Black Lion Agent
Image(s) |
Appearance of the sylvari trader. |
Black Lion Agents are employees of the Black Lion Trading Company
Items offered[edit]
A Black Lion Agent summoned by the effect of an Item Booster will have the following inventory, and can buy items only from the player that summoned it. Click here to edit this table
- In the Vaults
- Welcome to the Black Lion vaults. Here is where we keep our rarest treasures and most advanced weapons for our customers.
- I'll take a look around.
- In front of the Aerodrome
- Tell me, have you visited the Lion's Arch Aerodrome?
- You absolutely must! It's the most efficient shipping hub in Tyria! Not to mention free transportation to exotic and dangerous locales!
- However, we do not offer reimbursement in the event of accidental death and/or dismemberment.
- I'll remember that.
Free, eh?
- Thanks for the information.
I have not.
- I don't care.
- Inside the Aerodrome
- Are you looking for passage to Spirit Vale?
- It's just through the doorway here. Our ships are docked in the area above. Head on through when you're ready to travel.
- Thanks.
Yes. Where do I board the airship?
- No, thanks.