Arena Obstacles Coordinator
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Arena Obstacles Coordinator
Arena Obstacles Coordinator is a charr who coordinates the arena obstacles. He appears at the yellow mace map icon by the waypoint near the arena after completing Brawling Obstacle: Walls.
- Have Guild Permissions
- What would you like to do?
- Place obstacles in the arena. Teleports player into the arena and ends the conversation.
- The arena boundaries are now active. Can I do anything else for you?
- There is one more thing...
- No, thank you.
Activate the boundary
- The arena boundaries are now inactive. Can I do anything else for you?
- There is one more thing...
- No, thank you.
Deactivate the boundary
- Nothing right now. Thanks.
- Without Heart of Thorns expansion
- Requires Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
- Okay.
- Lack guild permissions
- Only guild members with the necessary permission may make use of my services.
- Thank you.
- Wrong guild
- My services are only available to the guild that owns this guild hall.
- Thank you.