Heart of the Mists (instance)

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Heart of the Mists

3Complete heart (map icon).png

Heart of the Mists (instance) map.jpg
Map of Heart of the Mists


Heart of the Mists (instance).jpg

Click to enlarge.

The starting tutorial area was an instance in the Heart of the Mists. Players automatically entered this instance the first time they traveled to the Heart of the Mists on their account. It contained three Renown Hearts which provided an introduction to a few mechanics important in PvP; once all the tasks were finished, the travel to the Hall of Memories via the asura gate at the north end of the map was enabled.

Once the instance had been completed by any character on the account, all characters gained direct access to the Hall of Memories on subsequent visits.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Renown Hearts
Complete heart (map icon).png Capture Points!
Complete heart (map icon).png Finish Your Enemies!
Complete heart (map icon).png Revive Allies!
Event star (tango icon).png Capture the point (0)




Renown Heart (map icon).png Trainer
Scout (map icon).png Veteran



  • This area was shared instance like each race's starting tutorial, so anything that doesn't work within such instances did not work here either, such as the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone, or attempting to enter WvW. It was still possible to queue for arenas, however.
