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Dialogue for Tigg from past Living World releases can be found here.
During and after Dragon Bash[edit]
- If the race hasn't started
- Step right up, step right up. Feast your eyes on my racing moas. Care to place a wager and see if you can pick the fastest?
- All right, choose one of the five racers for the next race. But remember, if you place a bet and leave the area, you will forfeit any bet made or winnings earned.
- I want to place 50 silver on Meep.
- I want to place 50 silver on Motti.
- All right, choose one of the five racers for the next race. But remember, if you place a bet and leave the area, you will forfeit any bet made or winnings earned.
- I want to place 50 silver on Mortt
- I want to place 50 silver on Monna.
- I want to bet on another moa.
- I want to place 50 silver on Mortt
- I want to place 50 silver on Monna.
- I want to bet on another moa. (Repeats the betting conversation)
- I need more information. Let's start over.
- I'm not ready to bet yet.
- I need more information. Let's start over.
- I'm not ready to bet yet.
I want to bet on another moa.
- I need more information. Let's start over.
- I'm not ready to bet yet.
I'll bet on your birds.
- Not now. Thanks.
- If the race has started
- (The above conversation is repeated until the player decides to bet)
- All bets are now closed. No new bets until the race is over.
- Thanks.
During Escape from Lion's Arch[edit]
- If the Protect the racing moas as they escape the city event has been completed.
- Ooooh, you. Have you come to curse my existence more? Perhaps give me some quantum malady that goes back in time and kills me? Hmmm?
- No, I've come to do a little shopping.
- My moas! Was it so hard to save them? My livelihood is extinct, like my poor moas now are. Oh, my poor darlings. As stupid as skritt, but so graceful and kind.
- (sniff) I know your feeble mind means well, and you did prevent my untimely demise. I am offering goods to help rebuild my business. Care to transact?
- Anything to get you back on your feet.
- Not right now.
At least you're alive.
- Goodbye.
What are you so cranky about? I saved you.
- Time to go.
- If Protect the racing moas as they escape the city hasn't been completed.
- It's so heartbreaking, so unfathomable, so... (cries) Oh Meep! You'll be the one I loved the most.
- I hate to interrupt, but I'd like to do some shopping.
- I'll be going.
- After defeating Scarlet Briar.
- I hope you smashed that Scarlet in a mod analogous to how she mashed my beloved moas.
- I'd like to do some shopping.
- Maybe not analog, but she's done.
After Lion's Arch was rebuilt[edit]
- If completed Scarlet's End
- Wait, wait, wait! Don't go. I apologize for my harsh commentary when you risked your life to rescue my moas. I had some time to think in the camps.
- You were right. I can start again. My sister near Claypool sent me several baby moas! So fast and feathery. I'm sure I'll have them in racing in no time.
- Good luck.
About what?
- Keep it to yourself.
- If didn't complete Scarlet's End
- Oh, if you are looking to bet on my moas, racing has been...suspended because of the disaster. Poor darlings. At least they went quick.
- They were about to escape the city together when they were skewered by an immoral invertebrate. (sigh) Such beautiful, stupid, wonderful creatures. I shall miss them.
- Take care.
What happened to them?
- Good-bye.
Items offered[edit]