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Sector Zuhl Ice Shavings

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Sector Zuhl Ice Shavings.png

Sector Zuhl Ice Shavings

Item type
Legendary Weapons (achievements).png Frostfang III: Tooth of Frostfang
Account Bound
Silver coin 64 Copper coin
Game link
Sector Zuhl Ice Shavings - location.jpg

Path to the location of the ice column, from Waypoint (map icon).png Foundation 86 Waypoint.

This item only has value as part of a collection.

Hint: Use a Glacial Imbued Jar to collect ice shavings from the freezing cavern of Sector Zuhl in Timberline Falls.

— In-game description


  • Use the Glacial Imbued Jar.pngGlacial Imbued Jar at the ice column in the center of the freezing cavern of Sector Zuhl, north of Waypoint (map icon).png Foundation 86 Waypoint in Timberline Falls.
    • As soon as you enter the tunnel, take the junction on the right.
    • After that you will enter a cave with Frost Bats and Grubs.
    • Head northeast to a semi-hidden entrance to the next cave. After that you will enter a cave with Murrellows and Pressurized Ice.
    • Activate the Glacial Imbued Jar at/on the ice column.


  • Another collection item can be collected while in Timberline Falls, Timberline Living Ice.pngTimberline Living Ice from Ice Elementals. Many are found south of Waypoint (map icon).png Iron Veil Waypoint in The Iron Veil.