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Prove your mettle to Barbed Vale

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Prove your mettle to Barbed Vale

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prove your mettle to Barbed Vale is a level 80 group event that occurs in Harvest Den, at the Sleuth Brawlfields.


  • Barbed Vale
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Challenge ends in: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Before the event starts
Waning Storm: Now, for the final showdown... Ready your roars for the spear master herself... The sharply striking... Barbed Vale!
Barbed Vale: Dramatic. Though accurate.
Barbed Vale: I'll start with claw and fang to keep this fight fair. Provide a challenge, I'll up the ante.
Waning Storm: Shockingly, Barbed Vale sets her spear aside. This will be a true fight of might!
At 75% health
Waning Storm: The wayfinder finds themselves in a tight spot! Better find a way out, and fast!
Kodan Spectator: Chokehold! CHOKEHOLD!
Waning Storm: Call the council—I think we just witnessed a war crime!
At 66%
Barbed Vale: Formidable. But I didn't earn the title of Spear Master for my sharp sense of style.
Barbed Vale: Let's see you hold your own against my spear.
At 50%
Waning Storm: The wayfinder is getting an up-close look at the lowlander culture of friendly competition.
If Barbed Vale's defiance is broken:
Waning Storm: The ambassador to hind-whooping answers back!
If Barbed Vale's defiance is not broken: [verification requested]
Waning Storm: But rude hosts we'd be, if punches were pulled in the name of diplomacy!
Waning Storm: No diplomatic immunity in this arena!
At 25%
Waning Storm: Someone grant the wayfinder asylum! This does not look good!
Barbed Vale: Had enough?
If Barbed Vale's defiance is broken:
Waning Storm: The wayfinder votes "nay" on that one!
If Barbed Vale's defiance is not broken: [verification requested]
Waning Storm: Better broker a treaty. Barbed Vale is seeing red!
Event success
Waning Storm: An upset that shall be recounted by ashmakers for many moons—THE WAYFINDER WINS!
Kodan Spectator: (cheers)
Kodan Spectator: (roars)
Waning Storm: It's that time again: intermission! Don't wander far; we'll be back in the thick of it soon!
Waning Storm: A powerhouse of pugilism and politics! Many thanks to all who participated in this harvest's test of might!
Barbed Vale: Victory well earned, Wayfinder. I pity the poor beast who crosses you.
Event failure
Waning Storm: And BARBED VALE clinches another victory!
Kodan Spectator: (cheers)
Kodan Spectator: (roars)
Waning Storm: Many thanks to all who participated in this harvest's test of might! Especially our guests. Valiant effort abound!
Barbed Vale: You prove a formidable foe, Wayfinder. If ever you decide a rematch, I'm happy to oblige.

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