Prospect Valley/dialogue

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Ambient dialogue in Prospect Valley from past Living World releases can be found here.

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Between Kitabu, Savio and Amoxtli
Explorer Kitabu: You don't seem to have any problem getting back and forth across that quicksand into town.
Explorer Savio: What can I say? I picked up a thing or two from a particularly generous Zephyrite.
Explorer Savio: Amoxtli, just let me know if you want me to show you my new skills, okay?
Explorer Amoxtli: You only wish you had anything to teach me.
Explorer Kitabu: Wait, are you saying you've got a thing going with one of those poor refugees, too?
Explorer Savio: What? No, I meant from interviewing them. Gods, what kind of insatiable beast do you take me for?
Explorer Savio: Okay, don't answer that.
Explorer Amoxtli: Why do you think Steward Gixx chose the three of us to explore this region?
Explorer Savio: I just assumed he was trying to get rid of us.
Explorer Amoxtli: I don't think so. The steward has always been good to me.
Explorer Kitabu: Savio was kidding.
Explorer Savio: I was? Oh! I mean, of course I was.
Explorer Amoxtli: There's something about humans I don't understand.
Explorer Savio: (snort) "This should be interesting.
Explorer Amoxtli: Each morning I see my god rise in the east and set in the west. I feel Zintl's warmth on my skin...
Explorer Kitabu: Oh, I see. You're wondering how we feel about the remoteness of our gods?
Explorer Amoxtli: That's it, exactly. I read that they used to be more present in your lives?
Explorer Kitabu: They still are. We feel their blessings every day. They lend us their strength, their power.
Explorer Amoxtli: I...think I understand now. Thank you.
Explorer Savio: (laugh) "In that case, maybe you can explain it to me.
Explorer Kitabu: I saw the way you two were looking at each other.
Explorer Savio: Well, you know, Amoxtli is one fine looking hylek.
Explorer Amoxtli: (giggle)
Explorer Kitabu: No. That woman we were interviewing in town earlier. Are you and she...
Explorer Savio: (gasp)"Are you accusing me of fraternizing with the locals?
Explorer Kitabu: Just don't forget we're on a mission, here.
Explorer Savio: Hey, it's a mission of exploration, right? I'm just...exploring.
Explorer Amoxtli: (laugh)
Explorer Amoxtli: Do you think it's a bad omen that a sky-ship crashed just as we arrived in this area?
Explorer Kitabu: Hmm. Now that you mention it, the timing was strangely coincidental.
Explorer Savio: Sorry, I should have warned you that I have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Explorer Amoxtli: So you're both from Divinity's Reach. Were you there when Scarlet attacked your city?
Explorer Savio: Yeah. I was there for the Queen's Jubilee.
Explorer Kitabu: I wasn't home, but I lost a cousin in her attack on the pavilion.
Explorer Amoxtli: Someone very special to me was killed when Lion's Arch fell.
Explorer Savio: If she wasn't dead. I would've assumed that Scarlet was behind this Zephyrite mess, too.
Between Foreman Abe and Gigor
Foreman Abe: Don't worry. I'm sure we're gonna hit a rich new copper vein any day now.
Gigor: There's something down there, all right. It's making our digging equipment act all screwy.
Foreman Abe: See? That's...probably a real good sign right there.
Gigor: Lately, the deper we dig, the more of a funny feeling I get.
Foreman Abe: Oh yeah?
Gigor: Like gooseflesh, but you know, inside my skull?
Foreman Abe: Yeah? That's, uh...
Gigor: Itches something fierce...
Foreman Abe: Listen, we're coming up short on the latest haul, and our friends are putting pressure on us.
Gigor: Yeah, well... Tell our friends that if they wanna feel pressure, they should come down here in the dark and heat with us.
Foreman Abe: You, uh, you really want me to tell them that?
Gigor: No. Just...just tell them we'll do what we can.
Between Riot Alice and Foreman Abe
Riot Alice: Hey, shouldn't you check in at the mine at least once a day? Being you're the "foreman" and all that?
Foreman Abe: (sigh) Guess you're right. (grunt)"
Foreman Abe: Lazy bandits keep using the same threats on us.
Riot Alice: Yeah, well, they're not so lazy they won't slit our throats if we don't keep their copper coming.
Riot Alice: Our friends up north want a full barrel of copper in exchange for medicine from now on.
Foreman Abe: (sigh) It'd be more merciful if they just strangled us in our sleep.
Foreman Abe: You ever think of trying to get back home?
Riot Alice: Nah. Too many Seraph know my face there. This is home now.
Between Residents
Resident (1): You know, I caught that crazy moa once. She's not so fast.
Resident (2): (laugh) "Oh really?
Resident (1): Well, I saw her once, anyway.
Resident (1): I'm getting tired of all these birds strutting around everywhere.
Resident (2): Don't worry about it. They have their claws full, what with all the carrion that fell out of the sky.
Resident (1): You'd better be right.
Resident (1): Too many people around here now. I came out here to get away from people.
Resident (2): Even me?
Resident (1): (laugh) "You're the exception, sweetheart.
Resident (1): You hear from your aunt?
Resident (2): Sure did. She's going to need some more pies.
Resident (1): Will she be as grateful as last time?
Resident (2): Of course"
Resident (1): Tell your aunt the bakery has her order.
Resident (1): Bad news. The bakery has too many birds on the roof.
Resident (2): Can't you drive them off?
Resident (1): Not without drawing a bigger flock.
Resident (2): Well, maybe we'll just have to clip a few wings.
Resident (1): Look, word came down. Don't harm the flock.
Resident (2): What if they fly too close?
Resident (1): Make sure that doesn't happen. Distract them with something shiny.
Resident (1): There were only two. I said four!
Resident (2): Two for now. Two later.
Resident (1): I paid you for four.
Resident (2): Sssh! Keep it down.
Resident (1): So. Delivery?
Resident (2): Two days.
Resident (1): Usual spot?
Resident (2): No, the other one.
Between Anhinga and Dabnia
Anhinga: Hey, remember that weird sylvari that came through here a while back? Used to live right over there?
Dabnia: How could I forget? Her place is still sealed up after all this time.
Anhinga: Think she's ever coming back for her stuff?
Dabnia: It was a mistake, coming out here. Mining's not for me.
Anhinga: What were you before you came out here to the wastes?
Dabnia: Someone engaged to a guy who was too good for me.