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Lieutenant Myros the Spiteful

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Lieutenant Myros the Spiteful


Interactive map

Lieutenant Myros the Spiteful is an Eparch loyalist part of a patrol team in The Bleeding Wastes. Lieutenant Myros the Spiteful during the Group Event [Find and defeat the Kryptis Patrol Leaders] after Demetra.


The Mists

Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Find and defeat the Kryptis patrol leaders (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Area Stun
  • Leap Attack
  • Mighty

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Dismay - Channel a conal blast that leaves a damaging field, both applying Poisoned.png5 Poisoned and Torment.png5 Torment.
  • Lamentation -
  • Punishment - Channel a circular area of effect that Float.png Floats all foes and inflicts Crippled.png Crippled and Weakness.png Weakness.
  • Shared Destruction - Targets take 60% of their health in damage, split between any nearby allies.
Stolen skills