Keep dredge away from the ice bridge repair site

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Keep dredge away from the ice bridge repair site

Talabaroop Waves
(Frostgorge Sound)
Event type
Event wrench (map icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Keep dredge away from the ice bridge repair site is a level 76 dynamic event that occurs in Talabaroop Waves.


  • Bridge Safety
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 15,068 Experience.png 360 Karma 84 Copper coin
Silver 12,808 Experience.png 306 Karma 71 Copper coin
Bronze 11,301 Experience.png 270 Karma 63 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 76 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Snowcaller Raging Inner Fire: The dredge seek to expand their limits, but they constrain us at the same time.
Snowcaller Raging Inner Fire: But they shall not prevent us from moving forward. We will find a new home.
Snowcaller Raging Inner Fire: We must first, however, rebuild the ice bridge that joins our sanctuary to the shore.
Snowcaller Raging Inner Fire: Koda, grant me the will and power to shape the elements to our needs.
Snowcaller Raging Inner Fire: They retreat at the first signs of failure. Such cowardice does not befit the those who would claim enlightenment.

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