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Hawkes is a member of The Company, as well as the Order of Whispers, found near Grey Gritta's waypoint.
- Pretty quiet around here. But it's the calm before the storm. I'll get your attention if anything comes up.
- Grey Gritta?
- Our mascot. Cutest little dolyak ever.
- When she was pregnant, she became as stubborn as stone. She just wouldn't budge from this place no matter what we did. We joked that this was her outpost. Guess the joke stuck.
- We sent her south to raise her calf. it's safer there. Part of me wishes I could have gone with her.
- Good-bye.
Where is she now?
- All right. See you around.
Why'd you name the post after her?
- Okay. See you later.
Who's - (If in the Order of Whispers)
- And we must reject the unrejected. I shouldn't be surprised when another member of the Order of Whispers passes through here, but somehow, I always am. What do you need?
- I just might have. There is a rumor going around of some ghost troubles in the Wynchona Woods. Supposedly, getting involved has to do with a statue of Dwayna. You'd be well rewarded helping.
- Interesting. Thanks!
Just curious. Have you heard anything of interest?
We must connect the unconnected.
- All right.
- During Help Hrok Sverresson plant explosives in Barricade Camp and Destroy centaur supplies while Zirra bombards Recovery Camp events
- Hrok Sverresson and Silvershot are out on missions. Either one could use your help.
- Okay. I've added a marker to you map with the location.
- Thanks!
Point me to Hrok Sverresson.
- Okay. I've added a marker to you map with the location.
- Thanks!
Where's Silvershot?
- It's not a good time.
- During Assault Overwatch Camp and destroy the trebuchets event
- The team is headed into the heart of Overwatch. That's angry centaur country. They need assistance.
- Show me where they went.
- I can't right now.
- If Help Hrok Sverresson plant explosives in Barricade Camp or Destroy centaur supplies while Zirra bombards Recovery Camp is active
- We've got agent's in the field who need help.
- If Assault Overwatch Camp and destroy the trebuchets is active
- The crew is headed to Overwatch. They need help!