Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Projects/Raids

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The scope of this project is to document the Raids including objectives, NPCs, dialogue, effects, objects and link in associated collections. As well, walkthroughs and suggested strategies for the wings will be included. An overarching section on lore may be included as this becomes clearer with future wing releases.


Feel free to add yourself to the list.


To comprehensively document Raids. Similar to how individual dungeon pages are documented, individual raid wings will include an overarching description of objectives, locations, walkthrough and dialogue with links to more detailed information on NPCs and objects as well as their associated dialogue.


  • Describe general area and objectives
  • Add in map, locations and any associated mail
  • Walkthrough
  • Document bosses
    • Drops in boss's associated chest
    • Raid bosses will be documented in more detail than regular enemies, with a description of stage and environmental effects as well
    • Effect and skill names are to be taken from the combat log. Alternate names for these abilities used in the achievements ?to be redirected to actual name of abilities used by enemies.
      • Include damage numbers for effects?
      • ?Do anything about different references to skill names in patch notes and in effect descriptions (eg. bloom in the effect description of Spirited Fusion)
    • Current consensus is that boss walkthroughs will be included as part of the walkthrough of the wing, and not on their individual page. Might be helpful to ask community at large their preference?
  • Document enemies
    • As per regular enemies. Link these into respective boss fights if they are part of the fight.
    • Suggested skills to deal with their mechanics, (similar to how it's documented on Slay the octovine! (southgate)) could be added
  • Document allies
    • As per regular allied NPCs with associated dialogue
  • Document objects, and any associated dialogue
  • Link in achievements
  • ?General description of lore as the story becomes more clear
    • Lore is told through the dialogue associated with NPCs and objects

Tasks currently being undertaken

Spirit Vale

  • Dialogue associated with Fallen Pact Soldier. For this, an account which has not interacted with the bodies associated with the achievement is needed so that the interact dialogue is displayed.
  • Add in references to GW timelines on Gravestone page as per reddit thread.

Stronghold of the Faithful

  • Proofread + finish walkthrough
  • Get a page for all the new White Mantle mobs
  • Classify all the effects, missing many from KC, madness, and all the oddball effects from the puzzles/special action at Xera
    • Check effect IDs, especially once the API is updated. Missing some durations, eg. Xera's Fury
    • Research effects of high Derangement stacks on Xera, ? Conditions + daze at 60 breakpoint, condis + long fear 90 breakpoint, 99+ defeat. Upload icons (and if ones like fixate aren't uploaded + linked, do so)
      • Upload icons
  • Create page for encounter related objects encountered post escort (portals, fountains, core, etc...)
  • Complete boss/fight dialogue, a lot missing.
