Guild Chat - Episode 10

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Guild Chat - Episode 10

@TwitchCon, Returning to Guild Wars 2
Rubi Bayer
Mike Zadorojny
Colin Johanson
October 2, 2015
Official video
The following is an unofficial, player-written transcript of the episode. The accuracy of this transcription has not been verified by ArenaNet.

The 10th episode of Guild Chat aired on October 2, 2015. Another live at TwitchCon chat on September 25-26 2015 to discuss the topic of returning to Guild Wars 2 after a break. Listen to Colin, Mike Z, Rubi and AnthonyAcc go deep on the topic!


At TwitchCon[edit]

hi everybody welcome back to guild chat
i'm your host Ruby column and Mike are
back with us thank you guys very much
and Anthony one of our livestream
partners has joined us so thank you very
much for your time thank you for having
me yeah so we've been talking to a lot
of players who have been gone from
Gilbert stood for a little while but
they've been hearing the buzz about hug
thorns and are excited to come back we
don't want you guys to get overwhelmed
and just I have no idea what's going on
everything is different I'm out so we're
going to kind of help you guys get
caught up today let's start with I want
to start with the big thing we have had
over 40 major content updates its launch
so depending on how long you've been out
of the game there is a lot more stuff to
see Colin do you want to fill us in on
that son yeah we could eat down the line
and everybody can pick something or i
can do all 40 for the next half an hour
i have them memorized so two minutes the
first update was halloween within that
update we introduced 17 new skins there
is three ok so it's like she's gonna do
it yeah I want to know if he actually
knows all 40 I'm I feel like I want a
whole other Sigma if you know what I
mean I was not on the game show that was
earlier questions like that it's not
only place I could have died you can
give us high-level been ok so we've done
a lot I think very early on we
experimented a lot with a lot of live
events that change the face of the game
so things like we open a new map called
southsun Cove after a bunch of little
karkar guys were kind of face eater head
either little guys and giant creatures
took over and invaded our capital city
and then you went back and charged in
and attacked where they came from in
southsun Cove
you got to discover this entire new map
of context so that's been added to the
game if you let if you have it in back
since right after we launched going to
talk a little bit about some of the
holiday updates it came around then too
yeah so with winter's day we brought
back one of serious old festivities from
guild wars 1 and really kind of brought
to modernize it into the guild wars 2
kind of franchise and Halloween was our
very first festival yes hello is our
first one we brought back as well and
both of them we introduce new jumping
puzzles with Halloween we chose a kind
of a new mini dungeon for players to
experience as well and is as festive as
these have been the jumping puzzles we
added a little bit more challenge to
them which may be a little frustrating
for its it's cute how you say a little
bit have you have you been around for
Halloween I haven't okay you need to try
the mad Kings jumping puzzle if you
every class our the clock tower it is ok
at many hours of your life really a pair
for ultimate frustration because those
jumping puzzles now that take up hours
of my life this one is like it rotates
and like there's like a poison miss
that's following behind you rising up so
you have only a certain amount of time
to actually make it up huge clock wise
thing going all the way up to the tower
and pieces appear and disappear and
awesome yeah well that's that's one
thing that'll be back in four weeks that
is coming battle Halloween the day that
heart of thorns goes live also be
launching our Halloween update oh cool
and then winter's day for christmas is
coming just shortly after that so people
who haven't been around for a holidays
awesome opportunity to come in and check
those out as well in between those two
holidays the first year we also launched
the fractals of mist which is kind of
our new repeatable dungeon that has it's
about 15-20 minute segments that then
launch you into a new time and space
within like tyrion lore and just gives
you a new kind of flavor and a little
bit of randomness each time you kind of
go through it yeah fractals are fractals
are a lot of fun we're going to be
revamping those with heart of thorns we
can talk a little bit more about that
later I won't gender too much pressure
so we had a lot of quality of life
updates that we added just to clear out
your help clear out your inventory look
at the wallet
you have that out of the way there was a
ton of future work over the last year's
the wallet is only a place where you can
store all your currencies I think one of
my favorites a lot of people from very
early in the game had a lot of moments
where we get a ton of players on screen
and the more players that showed up
everybody would disappear and we call
that basically our cooling system so
that you could see what was going on all
the time and we had habib who is one of
our one of our amazing programmers at
the time took on this project of
removing calling from the game entirely
I and so shortly I want to say maybe six
months nine months after we launched
that went live and now you can see Hut
you can go to world versus world and you
can literally see every player giant
battle with 100 players if you got in
the open world and you fight against one
of our huge boxes you can actually see
everybody in the world now that was a
huge difference for the game it was
enormous if you survived the Great parka
event of 2012 who knows yeah there were
there were giant invisible bosses that
were rolling over everyone and killing
them in LA because calling would make it
so you couldn't see them so that was
that was an interesting early experience
for live content for us and obviously
fixing that coaling system has been a
big addition for guild wars 2 it felt so
good one of the other major things that
kind of went with that is that we were
looking over the past couple years in
terms of player styles and watching
kinda what the players were doing and
that's what we kind of came up with like
the mega server technology which was as
servers and became less the most
populated like the individual maps we
will actually condense them down so that
players will have more opportunities to
find others who are trying to accomplish
the same tasks the same events and it'll
also make it so that there's always
someone around when one of those big
bosses shows up that you can actually
get enough people to defeat them yeah
taking the lfg system out of beta was
amazing that
yeah yeah we have a real looking for
group tool now those who remember the
early days right guildwars2 launched a
bunch of our fans actually built a
website that you would use for lefty and
you would go to the website you would
type your name in and you could use that
to sort and find people to play with and
then you have to go in game and track
them down so we implemented an in-game
looking for group system that you can
use to find players to play with in PvP
in world vs world in the open world to
do dungeons together and that's a huge
quality of life update for the game as
well you know we added the robust reward
system too and speaking of lfg that's I
find friends for that quite a lot so
that was that was one that I really like
that's when we also introduced the
bouncy chest which is the most
incredibly gratifying thing yeah it is I
love it I didn't realize I guess I
didn't realize it's been it's been a
while before since I played it the first
time and I didn't realize that that
wasn't there before and now that it's
pointed out like that thing is so
rewarding yeah it's just it's just like
please open like I'm down here like this
is so cool it's a great addition do you
find your OCD about it if you see it on
the corner your eye like I have to get
that thing I don't it's funny because my
stream will write don't like gonna send
a chat be like Ches Ches Ches oven that
ok fine I'll open the chest like relax
yes but never have a bouncy chest on
live stream that you have an open table
3 they go and I kind of almost like it
down there it's like kind of fun and
juggling it's dancing around I know oh
man they will lose it on me so you know
Anthony said something he and I were
talking about this before we went live a
lot of these things we've just started
taking for granted because they're there
now and
when we were going we were talking about
you know what do we need to catch people
up on I'm realizing these things weren't
always here how do we get by before
these work how did I get by without
having the best just open because I want
more loot yeah the looking for group or
the camera changes camera changes yeah
that was a really cool but I think that
it sort of shows how good the updates
have been because if you can come back
from a year and not necessarily notice
that these things are changed I think
that shows that they've been good
changes right it's better than coming
back and not it's not knowing what
you're doing like this is what is
happening I don't know where I am
instead they're just these subtle
changes that have just made the game
that much better and the love this comes
from kind of our iteration strategy
right like we released the game we put
it out there when we even we as we're
playing it or discovering hey look you
know this can be a little bit better we
can take this up you know one more notch
and so we'll have those internal
discussions in terms like hey we're
listening to the fans and seeing these
are the things that they want to see
into the game these are the concerns
that they have and find ways that we can
actually integrate that with the
strategy of our release games I think I
think that's one of the challenges that
any of those these big online worlds
face I'm losing my voice here saying hey
is uh you know you get you walk away
from a year or two after playing them
and they changed so much that you come
back and you don't even recognize the
game you know you walk in you don't know
what your character is you don't know
what's going on and you basically almost
have to start over with a new character
to wrap your head around what the game
is and I think we've done a really nice
job of trying to make it so it is and
like you said Anthony you know you walk
in and a lot of it the game is more fun
but you don't really have to realize why
you don't have to wrap your head around
all the things that have changed to
understand what to do there's a couple
things that we've done i think the trade
system the major changes to the trade
system is one that there's a little bit
of going back and picking through to
understand how that works but i think
it's much simpler now as well you know
we should talk about what that is
it looks a lot different it's it's okay
it's not bad yeah yeah your traits now
basically you pick you pick three
treatments that you have acted and you
just get the whole treatment you used to
have to go in and spend points in
different lines and you would get a
certain chunk of the abilities it really
simplifies the process if you're an
elementalist you can just say I want to
treat myself for Fire Water and Earth
cool I know what that means you no
longer have to worry about like Oh fire
means i'm getting additional power or
conditioned damage or things like that
all those hats have been removed and put
back on the armor where they belong yeah
it's really build making it's been
simplified since back when the game
watch and I think as a result we
actually have ability to make more
robust builds and we can balance the
game better it's much easier to make a
cool build and to tell your friend what
you pull this to like I remember you
Steph to say I'm 2 3 5 10 20 you know
you watch the the pvp tournaments from
back when we had that trait system and
there and the shoot down the numbers
like two to six okay and this is six to
two like what does that mean it means
nothing no one watching that can wrap
their head around that but if they say
yeah your you know your your fire earth
than air ok cool I get what that means
and that means you can share build you
can talk with other players and
communicate about builds in a much more
meaningful way than you used to be able
to in early kill boards too and I think
the thing that you hit on also is like
it makes us of skills selection and
traits election becomes much more
important and that seems we are it is
one of our driving forces moving forward
like how we approach raids how we
approach difficult content how with the
fractal revamp you know we're increasing
the cap from 50 to 100 and we're adding
that that difficulty in there and making
it so that your choices are meaningful
and actually are going to impact the way
you play the game
I'm really really a fan of what we've
done so far there is a quality of life
update that we did not mention that I'm
kind of loving if any of you guys are
hardcore crafters and I don't know we
did an amazing update to the crafting
you I before it was I don't want to just
say it was terrible it was just a little
let me just put it out there someone
needs to drop a bike today where's my
radios he I don't know where he went but
yeah we'll just pretend you did I'm just
super spoiled now because before you
know you had all of these craft and
components that you needed to put
together and if i didn't have something
completed I had to sit there and go
through the list I'm fine which one I
would go through and find it and now
there's a little magnifying glass here's
what that thing takes anything you want
to craft now and just list the
ingredients and every ingredient there's
a little drill down box a little
magnifying glass you can click and it
actually tells you all the things you
need to do to make that ingredient and
we didn't used to have that yeah used to
just say four ingredients you had no
idea what it took to get those and it
did it was it was kind of like the old
days of the 80s and OPG's where you had
a piece of paper next to your desk and
he went right down on it everything you
needed to do in the role playing game
because the game didn't tell you
anything our crafting system was very
similar to that remember spending hours
we make the game and I spent hours on
the wiki looking up I'm like okay how do
I make this cooking recipe all right
yeah and now you can just drill down in
there and you can craft it right in that
window where you open it up so that was
absolutely one of my favorites I credit
to our UI team seriously you know
another one another one I think that
goes under the radar a lot and this is a
relatively recent addition that Mike
Mike help worked on good job Mike is the
the daily log in reward system yeah
and the revamp to the way that the daily
achievement system works entirely we now
have every day you login you get warts
and there's an entire schedule showing
the cool rewards you get for logging in
and I think it provides just a really
nice like
nice warm reward hug every day when you
log in like welcome back we love you and
here's some fun stuff for you when you
call it nice warm reward hug I feel like
we missed out there yeah I we missed a
branding opportunity for sure but you
know there's just something about that I
think we see a lot of people say like
you know I log in every day I get my
date I get my login reward and I go play
my daily and we know for a lot of
players are looking for more than that
and that's why we built this expansion
great but it does give you key thing
every day that you know every day when i
login I know what I'm going to start
doing and then you end up starting to do
that stuff and you get sucked off and
playing other content you know I I
generally like to do my world vs world
daily first because I find it's the one
where an hour to later I look around and
realize that you know it's midnight and
I should have gone to bed early I have a
feeling that system really you know it
opens up that for all our players of
like you login you get your cool reward
and now here's this list of fun daily
stuff you can go do to get another great
set of rewards and they're actually
really you know fun things to do that
gets you into game modes you didn't play
otherwise they encourage you like if
you're a PVE player it actually gives
you rewards for going to play pvp and
play world vs world and you know we have
three major game modes guild wars 2 it's
awesome to get a chance to go play the
other ones and be rewarded for it yeah
I'm really proud of how we implemented
the just the login rewards as well you
and I had talked about that before it
went live even if you miss a day because
real life interferes as we all we all
have that it all happens and if you miss
a day it doesn't reset you're not
missing out you're still just it keeps
progressing so there's one other thing
that's coming with harder thorens it's
not out yet that I'm super excited about
and Lester the guy who I worked on with
the daily login system actually supports
now the technology for us to actually
make it so on the achievements the ones
are like go collect 30 script coins or
go find all the diving goggles it now
actually breaks down like an we can
actually have individual ones marked in
your achievement panel so you know
specifically which ones that you have or
have not seen oh wow so there's now a
conversation being at oh I'm 50 out of
50 1 which one are you missing Oh looks
like i'm missing you know number 52
let's actually know where that is i
didn't know this are you serious this is
going with the heart of thorns without
lunch so i can finally find that last
coin in dry top this is awesome I I
don't need anything else I did not know
this I am that's one of those just don't
realize and then once it said it like
yeah there's no way the game could have
worked without this you know yeah well I
have yeah I seriously am like I'm short
one coin for an achievement and it's
been five months and I can't find it
because I don't want to go look for
everything and I know yes yes so I don't
want to change it up a little bit i'm
kind of wearing anthony like four do you
have any recommendations for players who
like Ben Lapps for a while that are now
coming back to the game are the things
that you would recommend hey go check
this out because this is exciting and
this is the thing that kind of brings
you back to the game well so I mean for
me I'm a huge PvE guy like i love i love
the world that's been created so for
anybody that's coming back to the game I
say just just dig in like pay attention
listen to the story go do some vistas
explore and just have fun the game does
a really good job i mentioned it briefly
earlier I've just sort of being updated
without you really realizing it I had no
problem coming back into the game so I
don't really know if I guess I have like
a strong recommendation like make sure
you go here and make sure you go here
you're going to be lost because you
won't be you'll feel welcome and it's
all just very it's all laid out in front
of you which I love the reason I find
myself constantly coming back to guild
wars 2 is because of the art and how
beautiful the game is and as long as you
guys they keep that up I'm stuck I'm
hooked they even the specializations
like the new trade system and stuff I
found myself just exploring that because
of how good it looked like I wanted to
see all the new animations and little
pop ups and stuff that you guys are
created just because it's so it's so
so yeah if you're new to the game you're
coming back to it if you haven't played
it in a while and you want a reason to
it's just it's just good to look at like
it's just good to become part of that
world yeah just running around and
exploring as if I'm in and of itself
that's all I do I was telling my my wife
was driving to the airport we're talking
about like I got to talk about guild
wars and I want to make sure you know
I'm not gonna fumble around and just
missing this hey you can and she's like
guys like what are you doing it I'm like
well honestly fifty percent of the time
I'm dancing like on some fit like some
viewpoint right like for whatever really
my guild and I are dancing in some
viewpoint and the other fifty percent of
the time I'm taking a screenshot of
something cuz it's just like every time
I turn around there's something else
that's just gorgeous and I have to take
a screenshot yeah that's what I love
about it yep exactly I think there's a
you know that a lot of people who played
very early on and stop playing right
around after when G to be to release one
of the most common comments I've heard
from talking to them about the game was
well there wasn't a quest system that
led me around so I didn't really know
what to do in the game I couldn't wrap
my head around it I didn't really get it
and I think the biggest piece of advice
I would say to any returning player to
just go exactly what you're saying
Anthony is this is a game about just
going out and having a great time and
enjoying yourself it's about immersing
yourself in the world exploring in
finding amazing things we try really
hard to hide little details all over the
place in the world everything from the
hidden jumping puzzles and dungeons to
the lady at a bear picnic and little
kids hanging off of trees and playing in
in hidden areas and maps there's so many
tiny little details there hidden all
over this world for you to discover I
think that's the greatest joy about PvE
and guild wars 2 is truly just taking
your time relaxing and getting out and
enjoying the world and it's not this
race to level eight and I think as soon
as people can unwrap their head around
that concept of an RPG as a race to get
to max level and instead in guild wars 2
it's an RPG about enjoying the world
then you truly get what guild wars 2 is
all about and you can enjoy the game in
a much more
yeah it's about the journey not the
destination right right that's exactly
what guild wars is to me every time I
play it it's just I'm in no hurry people
bashing me for not being 80 and I've
constantly starting new characters and
she's this whole thing that the stream
makes funny before but I'm in no hurry
to get to 80 because it's just every
second I'm in that world it's just I'm
finding something new it's something
something else exciting something that I
do that just plays off what you were
saying when I log in and I just don't
really have a clear idea of what I want
to do I have about six months ago I
started just picking a map at random
plop my character down in it and start
running in a random direction there you
go and for what just for fun I was kind
of timing it I have not gotten past 90
seconds without finding something I mean
a dynamic events something going on
players doing something and just jump in
but just looking for something at random
has been so much fun because I always
find something yeah and I'm a little OCD
about like I'm like no not OS dadd about
it i suppose is the right thing and I'm
just like like oh but as a butterfly
light so know it so well there's a fish
over there like what's this Lego what's
the severe it's just like I can never
focus on one thing in the in guild wars
2 i'm constantly running around finding
something else that I'm like enthralled
with for whatever reason spoiled for
choice is not a bad thing yeah it's not
that's for sure so we have about a
little over 10 minutes left and there
are two more game modes that I want to
get into because we have done so much
with pvp east side I mean we start with
spectator mode yeah spectator mode on
when when we first launched there was no
ability to watch other people play the
game so the addition of spectator mode
has been huge for that spectator mode
and customer arenas both kind of what
hand in hand that came around the same
time custom arenas basically allows you
to own your own arena set your own rules
for PvP and in particular it means that
you can host your own competitions
between guilds you can practice and with
spectator mode you can watch people
and the addition of these two features
really gave rise to the beginning of the
competitive guild wars 2 scene and
that's been a really awesome that's
that's not really a feature update
that's a community-driven initiative
that has turned into something much much
better now many years later I'm losing
my voice might do you want to take this
on first no need to get you some water
yeah I mean at this point we now have I
mean this last year we did three WTS
world tournament series championship
events one in Beijing one in Cologne and
then one in Boston I can give a quick
rundown of the WTS and what it is
basically we kind of had region-based
tournaments that players would go and
compete against each other to earn the
right to represent that region at these
tournaments so there's always two teams
from the host nation and then one from
the other two so like when we was in
Beijing there were two China teams one
North American team and one European
team and it was basically these four
teams duking it out at the top level for
if you know a huge cash prize and
basically the right to say for the next
X number months there the world
champions the last one we had in Cologne
blow we had the North American team come
back and went up the top and take the
mantle back from the European team so
like there's actually kind of some
bragging rights to be that are
associated with this we've also got
partnerships with ESL and a couple other
fan groups that are hosting either
monthly or even weekly tournaments that
just get people back into this and
really kind of you know shaking up the
competitive scene and really giving
meaningful concept of it that term
eSports when akka is applied to guild
wars 2 yeah most most days of the week
there is some kind of competitive and
tournament going on and almost all of
them are broadcast live on twitch so you
can actually watch we have a huge group
of competitive streamers and influencers
who are hosting these events that can
help teach you the game better and you
can watch these pro players compete in
all these different tournaments
everything from 1v1 tournament 2v2 to
kind of the top tier every sunday is the
ESL 5v5 go for cuts which is where the
best teams traditionally play and
eventually qualify for larger
tournaments and after the expansion
ships we're going to be taking it to
that we will talk about more once we get
to that point kind of to reiterate some
of the things we've said in previous
cast as well as like like pvp it's even
playing field so just having access to
the game access to the client lets you
play at have equal footing with
everybody else and it just becomes a
matter of scale it's not about who has
better armor because everyone's fighting
at the same tier and something we did
most a couple weeks ago was actually
putting the game for free which now
means that even it's even easier to get
the scene and so we're seeing numbers in
terms of players actually coming in and
trying to BP and trying to compete for
these top prizes is going through the
roof for us yeah it's really exciting
time you know there's as for for fans
and PVE in particular I think there's
been two major changes to PvP in the
last year that have had a huge impact on
expanding the PvP base and making it
more approachable for everybody so one
of those is the addition of reward
tracks which is the new reward system it
used to be in PvP we had a pretty obtuse
reward system will use that word to
politely push it aside but now we have
this awesome reward track system where
you actually select the rewards that you
want to be playing towards and as you're
progressing to them you're constantly
getting rewards of creatures that live
in the world of from bosses in the world
from champions in the world that you
basically get these little reward chests
as you progress through and play pvp and
we also normalized the gear system
between PvE and PvP so we used to have
back when the game first launched there
was PvP gear and there was PVE gear and
they were completely separate they had
their own unlock systems the pillars
yeah ever builds the skin skin wardrobe
for PvP was a point where you can unlock
skins just for PvP but not for the rest
of the game
we've added a brand new wardrobe to the
game that allows you basically to save
all of your skins and everything that
you unlock in PvP you can carry over and
use in PvE or in from PvP into pvp you
can even earn gold now playing PvP which
is a huge difference to win the game
launch so your time spent in PvP is
really rewarding now and you earn items
and you earn gold that you can use on
your characters that you can take out
into PvE or take out into world vs world
as well it's really rewarding I'm like
Anthony as a primary PvE player I
started dipping my toes in the PvP
waters a little over a year ago and I'm
never going to be I'm never going to be
up there in the ranks you know I'm super
casual but I'm just having a good time
with it I started keeping a custom arena
about a year ago so I could have my own
little private place to screw up and you
know try this try that find out what
doesn doesn't work for me and it's that
was the addition of reward tracks has
made it a lot more fun for me as a PVE
player to be a part of this so I didn't
know about the custom arenas oh they're
great so like for example
if I'm playing PvP and I've got a chat
troll that that's that's gripping on me
I can one be one him yep yes really yeah
I might need to put some off stream time
into it and I kind of hide my skills
bait a few people and then show show
them what's up this are hustling people
yeah I see nothing wrong I'm gonna have
to serve house electro and oak ash
battles at twist yeah yeah this is
going to happen get ready for this well
with the expansion too you're going to
be able to build a guild hall and you
can actually build an arena in your
guild hall that you can go in and host
duals like that as well and you can
actually decorate and customize your
arena and you can you can put up walls
you can put turrets the arena is crazy
and you can invite all your your twitch
followers into your arena and every day
and redecorate the whole thing change it
and fight again in there against them
you can separate them the different
teams and you can at all fight against
each other on different teams really
it's really cool and that's just one
little piece of functionality for guild
halls I'm trying to like listen to you
and I'm watching his wheels yeah I'm
just like and it's amazing well I'm here
in this redecorate word right and that's
like so I'm saying earlier fifty percent
time I'm dancing fifty percent of the
time Scrooge on screen shot and the
other fifty percent of the time I'm
changing the color of my armor right I'm
like I'm explain or the math component
of this yes yeah it's the third Oh third
fifty percent of this and and you said
that the redecorate and I'm just like oh
that's it it's over that killed halls
are trouble you can when you start
getting into decorating and guild halls
and we're going to actually show off a
lot of cool stuff about guild halls very
go into more details on this but yeah
you can you can do some crazy things
with decorating your guild hall there
goes another a hundred and fifty percent
of your life for that correct and you're
going to thank us for stealing all of
your time honey a lot of dissections
turn this cheering get it just right how
is the next thing you're going to say
yeah yeah but a lot of the decorations
are gonna come from / just playing the
game like whether whether it's in PvP
whether it's you know PvE like
overcoming various challenges within the
game you're going to get something else
get a lock that you're gonna be able to
kind of show off that your guilt is
nailed to accomplish the school things
yes crystal showed earlier you can get
decorations for killing raid bosses and
then you can show off and your guilt all
the rates that you've no man I'm so
excited so great i want to add like a
dancing statue now we can call it the
anthony oh that would be a GF I would
lose it you just see me crying I just do
a crying extreme I just like my life
would be we've got the crying live
streams covered with roar peachy but I
love you peachy she's like yeah thanks
man that's right so let's talk about
world vs world real quick as we wrap up
because we added edge of the mists of
that yep yeah there's a new map now one
of the one of the biggest problems that
we ran into early on in particular right
after expansion ship with world versus
world original game not the expansion
excuse me yes October try third right
after the expansion shift four weeks
from now time is lost all meeting when
you're trying to ship again seriously
super truth so right after gw2 shifts we
had huge queues in a lot of the maps and
still today even it you know in prime
time in a lot of our worlds there's cues
to get in and so we created edge of the
mists is a fun place for you to go play
world versus world until your cues have
been cleared and you can jump in and
actually play in the maps that that your
world is fighting on I'm so that's one
big edition now so you can always play
world versus world no matter what even
if all the worlds are full you can jump
into edge of the mists and play there
another big thing that we added is the
world vs world ability system which is
basically an entire end game system of
abilities for you to unlock for your
vs world characters and they apply to
all the characters on your account that
you can get these points and then by
abilities for them everything from being
able to be better using battering rams
to being able to fight guards better in
world vs world there's abilities for all
the different siege lines with that came
a reward system as well so now when you
get these world vs world ability points
those little bouncy chests that we all
love pop up and they have a lot of
really nice rewards in them to help make
world vs world more rewarding as well
yeah so those are a couple of huge
additions I think the big most impactful
change for world vs world by far though
was removing polling that we talked
about earlier so my gosh yes you used to
have to fight invisible armies of
players who had come charging at you and
you can see the people in the front but
you never knew exactly how big the army
was because you couldn't see anyone
behind it they were all cold out now in
a hundred people are fighting in a giant
mosh pit you actually can see all of
them it's pretty pretty epic and amazing
inadvertent stealth and nobody liked it
so well tell you what as we wrap up we
are not even so this is a pretty good
coverage of what we've done in the past
couple of years with heart of thorns
darn it we didn't even talk about living
world this was like 40 I'm anxious I
believe so yeah and we are not even done
hard stores is coming colin has
apparently been there and that's amazing
I mean we have got the fractals revamp
coming pvp leagues stronghold which you
can play right now yep and also during
next weekend's bday weekend and next
weekend's beta weekend we've got those
open for test raids with the first boss
coming next week guild halls the elite
specializations that we've been showing
you the legendary journey you know what
we should totally talk about that later
today on his dream that's a good idea
let's do that good ideas I have amazing
ideas so we have a lot of stuff coming
the core game guild wars 2 is free to
play right now you need to come in and
spend some time with us and enjoy the
game and we'll see you in harder thorns
and you get to hang glide in the jungle
oh man is that something else we should
talk about that later today too all
right all right yeah we should yeah I
think we'll do that all right thank you
guys for spending some time with us and
we will be back in a little bit but I
think of course thank you yeah thanks

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