The Icebrood Saga content

Gilded Reliquary of the Bear

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Gilded Reliquary of the Bear.png

Gilded Reliquary of the Bear

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to open. Grants a choice of Bear Ceremonial Hood, Sandals, Garb, or Leggings, or charr salvage.
Contents will be account bound!

— In-game description


Contained in[edit]

Rewarded by[edit]

Reward Tracks[edit]

  • Tier 8,
5th reward. 40th of 40.


This achievement rewards items. Morale Breaker No Quarter Icebrood Saga mastery point 25Achievement points
Defeat the Minister of Morale 50 times in the Cold War Strike Mission.
  • Tier
1: Mastery Point (The Icebrood Saga).png Mastery Point
  • Tier
2: Frozen Lockbox.png Frozen Lockbox
  • Tier
3: Mastery Point (The Icebrood Saga).png Mastery Point
  • Tier
4: Frozen Lockbox.png Frozen Lockbox
  • Tier
5: Gilded Reliquary of the Bear.png Gilded Reliquary of the Bear
  • Tier
6: Frozen Lockbox.png Frozen Lockbox
  • Tier
7: Frozen Lockbox.png Frozen Lockbox (2)
  • Tier
8: Gilded Reliquary of the Bear.png Gilded Reliquary of the Bear
  • Tier
9: Frozen Lockbox.png Frozen Lockbox
  • Tier
10: Gilded Reliquary of the Bear.png Gilded Reliquary of the Bear
  • Tier
11: Gilded Reliquary of the Bear.png Gilded Reliquary of the Bear
Defeated the Minister of Morale 1 Time 5Achievement points
Defeated the Minister of Morale 5 Times 5Achievement points
Defeated the Minister of Morale 10 Times 5Achievement points
Defeated the Minister of Morale 15 Times 5Achievement points



  • Choosing one type of armor unlocks it for all three armor weights.
  • The contents are account bound but the following table can be used to compare prices:
Item Trading post
Buy Sell
Reliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Sandals.pngReliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Sandals
Reliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Gown.pngReliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Gown
Reliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Garb.pngReliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Garb
Reliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Hood.pngReliquary of the Bear Ceremonial Hood