Living World Season 1 content

Escort Lionguard Daan to supply Overlake Haven against the Toxic Alliance

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Escort Lionguard Daan to supply Overlake Haven against the Toxic Alliance

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Lionguard Daan to supply Overlake Haven against the Toxic Alliance is a level 22 event that occurs at Alakess Ledge and Giant's Passage, within Kessex Hills.


  • Pack Bull
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 890 Experience.png 117 Karma 27 Copper coin
Silver 756 Experience.png 100 Karma 23 Copper coin
Bronze 668 Experience.png 88 Karma 20 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 22 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





  • This event starts southwest of the Ireko Tradecamp Waypoint, right at the portal that connects Kessex Hills to Caledon Forest in the south. You are able to see the Event star (tango icon).png from anywhere on the map, if the event is ready to be started.
  • This event also starts in the same place as Event shield (tango icon).png Protect Jun Brightclaw as he resupplies Ireko Tradecamp (23). It alternates with that event.
  • Completion of the event rewarded a Lionguard Bonfire in Overlake haven, which gives a 15 minute buff of +10% damage vs. Krait.