Ensure the explosives arrive safely at Junction Haven

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Ensure the explosives arrive safely at Junction Haven

Interactive map

Interactive map

Ensure the explosives arrive safely at Junction Haven is a level 27 event in Bitterfrost Peaks and Shiverspur Front.


  • Explosives Remaining
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Time remaining: 3:59
  • Escort the Lionguard caravan to Junction Haven.


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,154 Experience.png 140 Karma 33 Copper coin
Silver 981 Experience.png 119 Karma 28 Copper coin
Bronze 866 Experience.png 105 Karma 24 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 27 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


Escort Lionguard Engineer Dauphan to Junction Haven. A Crazed Ettin will come and steal a bomb from the caravan before running off and exploding. You must prevent explosives from being stolen from the caravan for four minutes while fending off waves of Crazed Ettins and Ettins. If successful, the caravan will continue to Junction Haven without interruption. If too many explosives are stolen, the event fails.





Event start
Lionguard: The road ahead is dangerous. Keep a weapon handy.
Lionguard: Should we watch for anything in particular? Harpies, drakes, ettins?
Lionguard: Just be ready to kill anything and everything that tries to stop us.
After the first bomb is stolen
Lionguard: Now those two-headed morons have bombs to throw. The captain will have our hides.
Event success
Lionguard Engineer Dauphan: We're in the clear, gods be praised.
Lionguard: Ettins and explosives. (shudder) Don't even want to think about that combination.