Destroy the Risen bone ships blocking passage to Brassclaw Landing

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Destroy the Risen bone ships blocking passage to Brassclaw Landing

Interactive map

Interactive map

Destroy the Risen bone ships blocking passage to Brassclaw Landing is a level 73 dynamic event that occurs in Strait of Sacrilege.


  • Risen bone ships destroyed: x/3
  • Pact Submarines Remaining: 3


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,936 Experience.png 347 Karma 81 Copper coin
Silver 10,996 Experience.png 295 Karma 69 Copper coin
Bronze 9,702 Experience.png 260 Karma 61 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 73 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event start
Lightbringer Bronwyn: More Orrian bone ships! They've mined the Strait and blocked the passage to Brassclaw Landing.
Explorer Jackson: So much for just walking through their front door.
Warmaster Shadowstriker: Our course remains the same. Take out those ships so our submarines can get through. Be wary of the mines.
Warmaster Shadowstriker: Take out the ships, but watch those mines! It's only a matter of time before they go off.
On sinking a ship
Warmaster Shadowstriker: Well done. Keep sinking 'em!
Warmaster Shadowstriker: Another of their ships sunk!
Event success
Warmaster Shadowstriker: Don't stop until you've reached the docks. Take the landing!
Event failure
Warmaster Shadowstriker: We need to pull back and await reinforcements. Head for the eastern coast![sic]