Defend the Kestrel supplies from the naga

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Defend the Kestrel supplies from the naga

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the Kestrel supplies from the naga is a level 80 event in Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 in Skywatch Archipelago.


  • Enemy morale
    Event bar.jpg
  • Supplies remaining: X
  • Champion Naga Stormcaller
    Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


This event begins slightly north west of the Waypoint (map icon).png Kestrel's Vow Waypoint. Note: Other events in the area block this event from spawning. Most likely you have to complete Help the Kestrels search for survivors, Help Min-Ji set up emergency broadcast stations and then Defeat Dexicos the Covetous by destroying artifacts. Then this event should spawn.

Defend 3 crates from Naga attackers. Once the enemy morale is depleted, a Champion Naga Stormcaller will arrive.

To earn the Crate Keeper Achievement, all 3 crates must survive the entire event. It is important to defend the boxes both before and during the Champion Naga Stormcaller phase. It can help to use crowd control skills to break the Stormcaller's Defiance bar, leaving it vulnerable and reducing how often its attacks might hit the boxes. Note that smaller Naga will still be attacking crates while the Champion is around. It is definitely helpful to have multiple players helping to protect the boxes.

Achievement eligibility can be tracked via the Achievement effect.png Eligibility: Crate Keeper.






Before the event starts
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: This is everything? Well, I better take inventory so we can plan to make it last.
Kestrel Captain Jae-Eun: We're not in Kaineng anymore. Not many luxuries out here. We'll just have to make do with what we have.
Speaker Saboteur: We tried to warn you of the consequences of your dangerous technology.
Kestrel Captain Jae-Eun: We can't change the past. Our choices from now on will have to be penance enough.
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: Not to interrupt, but... there are naga approaching.
Champion Naga Stormcaller: The whispers were right. They've come to push us out of our homes!
Champion Naga Stormcaller: Leave at once! You will stay far away from us!
Kestrel Captain Jae-Eun: We're not trying to push you out of your homes. We're just trying to survive.
Champion Naga Stormcaller: (angry hiss) Kill them and destroy their supplies! The rest of their kind will starve.
Naga Stormcaller: Yes, I see now. We must remove all the outsiders.
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: Get away from our food!
Speaker Saboteur: (annoyed sigh) You city types really can't handle much, can you?
Upon depleting the enemy morale
Champion Naga Stormcaller: Fine, I will do it myself!
Event success
Kestrel Captain Jae-Eun: Damn those naga! Don't they see what's happening? Why can't they just work with us?
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: Forget it, Captain. They can't be reasoned with.
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: We should get these rations out of here while we still can.
Event failure
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: Captain!
Champion Naga Stormcaller: The same will happen to the rest of you! Leave at once!
Kestrel Quartermaster Shuhei: You're going to to pay for this. Every last one of you.

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