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Defeat the hylek zealots and their converts

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Defeat the hylek zealots and their converts

Interactive map

Interactive map


  • Break up the sermon.
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Sun Zealots remaining: x
  • Reinforcement Waves: 0/3


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Use the rotten fruit from the basket to throw at the priest.



Priest's speech
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Jaka Itzel! You are a strong and noble people! Survivors who do what they must to carry on!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: But you must believe me when I tell you that your precious jungle has been corrupted by false prophets and fallen gods!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Don't worry, though, brothers and sisters. Your salvation is at hand! The sun god, Zintl, has sent us to help you!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Let us take you away from this place, let us take you to safety!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: All we ask is that you accept the light. Serve us, help us, and we can grow stronger together!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Leave the horrors of this jungle behind! Serve us, Bask with us in the sun!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Let us take you from this place. Let us take you to safety.
During the sermon
Itzel <member>: You are unworthy of the Sun!
Itzel <member>: Their words are convincing, but I won't abandon my people.
Itzel <member>: I must stay strong. Ameyalli will provide.
Itzel <member>: Another for the Sun!
Itzel <member>: For the Sun!
Itzel <member>: The Sun strengthens me.
After interrupting the sermon
Veteran Priest of Zintl: You interlopers have interfered for the last time!
Lore Seeker Utogi: Ameyalli is more than just your god. She is your home! Don't forsake her!
Veteran Priest of Zintl: My Itzel kindred! These people do not want us to rescue you.
Veteran Priest of Zintl: Join us! Defend us! Defend the sun god!
During the waves
Lore Seeker Utogi: Stand strong, Itzel! More foes are coming!
Lore Seeker Utogi: Don't give up, my friends! We can beat them!