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Compete with kodan cubs in a spear contest

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Compete with kodan cubs in a spear contest

Interactive map

Interactive map

Compete with kodan cubs in a spear contest is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Harvest Den, at the Sleuth Brawlfields.


  • Contest begins in: 0:20
  • Player score:
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Basic Staff.png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Cubs' score:
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Either equip a spear or pick up one from the barrel, which has the following skills:

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Mighty Throw.png Mighty Throw 0.5½ Throw a spear at your enemy that shatters on contact, scattering shards that damage enemies around the initial target.
2 Maiming Spear.png Maiming Spear 0.5½ 5 Throw a spear at a targeted location, damaging and inflicting conditions on opponents in the area and causing an aftershock after a short delay. The aftershock deals more damage to the opponent closest to the epicenter.

Then destroy as many targets as you can. These have the effects Defense Up.png Spear Target and Defensive Inspiration.png Fighter's Invulnerability.





Before the event starts
Waning Storm: Next up, we'll be giving the floor to our young spearmasters in training, led by Instructor Falling Leaf!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Reach is a spear's prime advantage. Best keep your target at a distance. If they encroach, switch to fang and claw!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Ah, seems we've garnered an audience. Care to measure your spear skills against our cubs, newcomer?
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: They may be youngsters still, but spear work is in their blood. Most've been practicing since before they could speak.
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Cubs, show our visitor a formidable fight! Keep moving, hit hard and fast, and strike your target!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Spears only, now! No cheating by sword, bow, axe or what have you. Only spear hits merit points!
During the event
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Newcomer, level your spear and join some friendly competition! If you don't have your own, just grab one from the rack.
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Show our cubs how a seasoned warrior handles a weapon.
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Pick up the pace, cubs! Lose to a visitor, you will? You shame yourselves!
Dancing River: I'm picking up all of your slack!
Sprouting Oak: Fine joke! Half the points are mine alone!
Warmest Hearth: Cease bickering and move!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: I see you trainees slacking!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Thrust, jab, keep your distance, repeat! Don't let the newcomer win!
Event success
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Time's up! Spears down! Everyone back here!
Spearmaster Falling Leaf: Our newcomer wins, fair and square! Take note, cubs: with practice, you'll perform with the poise of our friend one day.
Dancing River: It was the others! They let me down!
Sprouting Oak: Say that every time, you do!
Dancing River: Lose every time, you do!
Warmest Hearth: Next time, I'm on the newcomer's team.
(one of the following)
Waning Storm: And now for a brief intermission as the arena is readied for our next event!
Waning Storm: Don't move a muscle! We'll be back to the action soon! After this quick break...
Waning Storm: It's that time again: intermission! Don't wander far; we'll be back in the thick of it soon!

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