Colm Thompson
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Colm Thompson is a hunter living in the Township of Claypool.
- Colm Thompson. Hunter. What do you say?
- Wolves, bears, trolls, bandits. You name it, I'll hunt it.
- Not quite. I don't hunt bandits for the bounty on their heads. I hunt them for the challenge. Hunting a man is...exhilirating[sic].
- I've got every reason to be. Now, unless there's something else?
- No, nothing at this time.
You seem remarkably confident and comfortable with yourself. I admire that.
- Do you ever think about the ethics of hunting intelligent beings?
- To what end? Although you look like you can handle yourself, there's nothing to gain from such a contest. Now, if you'll excuse me.
- Too bad. That could have been fun.
I'd like to see you try and hunt me.
- You're not quite right.
Bandits? So you're a bounty hunter too?
A hunter, eh? What do you hunt?
- I say it's time for me to be going.