Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Champion IGO

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Champion IGO is a large and powerful but experimental Jade Mech built by Mi Shen. IGO appears outside of Jade Brotherhood headquarters during its event, and sometimes inside Mi-Shen's Lab, being worked on by Mi Shen and having a conversation with him.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Brotherhood's experimental mech—IGO (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Protected
  • Tractor Beam
  • Energy Shield

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Peacekeeper Strike
  • Security Blaster - ranged multishot
  • Tractor Beam - long-range pull
  • Uppercut - large aoe circle centered on IGO followed by three aoe circles at range
Stolen skills