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Capture the Luxon Terminus base

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Capture the Luxon Terminus base

Capture the Luxon Terminus base is a level 80 group event in Gyala Delve and part of the Delve into the haze meta event. Siege Turtle is required to break the gates.


  • Use siege attacks to destroy the base's gates: x/1
  • Base Control Point
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
  • Coalescing Haze
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.



At the reinforced gates
Detective Rama: This is getting old. Mount up and tear 'em down!
Detective Rama: More gates. They really think that's gonna stop us?
Detective Rama: Siege turtles! Claw down those gates! Or eat them. Or whatever it is you do.
Securing the base
Detective Rama: Not sure it's any less horrible in there, but let's secure that place.
Detective Rama: Get in there and clear that dump out, no time to waste!
Detective Rama: Quick, clear them out! We've got a job to do!
Detective Rama: The orb again. SMASH THEM! HARDER! HARDER!
Detective Rama: Gates. Mechs. Demons.
Detective Rama: Gates. Chul-Moo. (calming breaths) Yao. Gorrik. Commander. Min.
Detective Rama: Destroy them. Then kill that orb.
When the Coalescing Haze is vulnerable
Detective Rama: It's weak! We got this! Finish it!
Detective Rama: Yes! That's it, take it down!
Event success
Detective Rama: This place...
Detective Rama: Friends murdering friends. Shadows at our throats. What is happening down here?
<Character name>: I don't know. About any of it. I don't have all the answers!
Detective Rama: I know. I know. Somebody had to be here. Probably best it's us.
Detective Rama: Let's get this over with. Whatever this is