Boar's Challenge: Deliver the celestial tributes!

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Boar's Challenge: Deliver the celestial tributes!

Boar's Challenge: Deliver the celestial tributes! is a dynamic event that occurs in Celestial Challenge.


  • Tributes delivered:
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Time until next event: 3:00


Collect as many mushroom tributes marked with Event hand (map icon).png as possible during the event. They have to brought one by one to one of three collection points, shown by Event collect (tango icon).png over an open large brown treasure chest with a blue ring around it. Picking up a tribute grants the player  Juke.png Boar Rush and  Jab (porcine).png Boar Leap.

The special action skillBrutal Charge (porcine).png Boar's Resilience is available to assist, providing stability, regeneration and stun break.

The effect Light Aura.png Fortitude of the Boar is active during this challenge, healing you every second.




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