Beacon (Wizard's Court)

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Beacons are ancient structures found all around the world of Tyria. They have been built to act as conduits of magic. Although the beacons are now being used by Isgarren and his Wizard's Court to help the World Spire power a magical shield to keep beings from the Mists such as the Kryptis from invading Tyria,[1] they appear to predate Isgarren. It is unclear if even Isgarren knows their origin.[2]

Known beacons[edit]

Horn of Maguuma
Ruins of Orr


  1. ^ a b c Hell Breaks Loose
    Mabon: We are currently standing outside the Beacon of Ages.
    Mabon: You may recognize it from folklore. Tyria dubbed it the "Wizard's Folly Tower." Not our choice, of course.
    Mabon: We have beacons such as this all over the world. The tower on the horizon—you may recognize that too.
    Mabon: They are...conduits, so to say. The shield that they powered was recently broken, hence... Well, all of this. [...]
    Mabon: Until recently, the World Spire has powered a shield that guarded this world from the an extent.
  2. ^ a b Mabon
  3. ^ a b Isgarren
  4. ^ a b Secrets Obscured