Angry Chicken
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Angry Chicken
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Angry Chickens are unique birds only encountered when a normal chicken is attacked at the farm in the southwestern part of the Stronghold of Ebonhawke.
Combat abilities[edit]
- Skills
- Claw - Melee auto-attack. This skill always deals 6 damage, regardless of the target's armor.
- Claw - Melee attack. This skill deals roughly the same damage as an auto-attack from a level 30-32 creature.
- They spawn in groups of three, but only after one of the farm's normal chickens has been struck nine times.
- Each chicken has an abnormally large health pool and extremely high armor, so they actually take longer to kill than most champion NPCs. Like other high-Toughness enemies, Condition Damage is far more effective than regular damage against them.
- Nearby Fallen Angel Soldiers may attempt to help if attacked, but a single chicken can kill one or more soldiers with little effort.
- Angry Chickens are likely a reference to chickens seen in the Legend of Zelda series, which are infamous for fighting back when attacked by players.
Related achievements[edit]
Skyscale of Fear: Alektorophobia — Get attacked by angry chickens at Ebonhawke in Fields of Ruin.