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Drakologist Daisy

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Drakologist Daisy


Interactive map

Drakologist Daisy is a member of the Astral Ward found in The Wizard's Tower next to Drakologist Niko.


Horn of Maguuma

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Ranged Support


C-Commander. (clears throat) Hello, if you'd like to discuss the effects of the dragon cycle on Tyria, I...I am that...person.
Talk more option tango.png Oh? I'd love to hear what YOU think.
Abso...absolutely. While we generally avoided...interfering with the flow of nature, the ward used many resources to study the dragons. Which would you like to hear about?
Talk more option tango.png How much do you know about Soo-Won?
A-ah, the Elder Mother. A truly complex creature. Isgarren met her, once, and we stayed away from her domain. They respected what the other was.
Talk more option tango.png Did you know about the Void?
We suspected, but it even surprised us. After all, the moment she died... Well, look around.
Talk more option tango.png The Kryptis?
Maggots to meat. Th-the moment she died, the filter was broken. The spire... Isgarren held things together long enough for Aurene to take over.
Talk more option tango.png And then...
And then the Kryptis came.
Talk back option tango.png Let's talk about a different Elder Dragon now.
Talk more option tango.png Let's talk about Zhaitan.
Z-Zhaitan... Hm. The Risen were a surprise of the modern era, I can say that much. It's also how we first
Talk more option tango.png Zhaitan was the start of...all this, huh?
I lived near the Bloodtide Coast with a dear friend, when Zhaitan... I...I joined the ward shortly after the attack on Claw Island. It became my chosen to follow the dragons, so to say.
Talk back option tango.png Yeah, sure.
Talk more option tango.png Kralkatorrik, please.
The Crystal Dragon. We will have nightmares about him for... (shivers)
Talk more option tango.png Nightmares?
We stood against Kralkatorrik. B-briefly, when he stormed through the Mists. He tore through Isgarren's maze of fractals.
Talk more option tango.png Oh?
We lured him out, just before Aurene breached the Mists. The day the skyscales were birthed from their trail of chaos.
Talk back option tango.png Another dragon, please!
Talk more option tango.png How about Jormag?
Mm, Jormag. S-still fresh in your mind, I imagine? Bangar almost rattled Isgarren to action. A-almost. Thankfully, you...
Talk more option tango.png "You"?
The rampage of Jormag and Primordus could have been much worse.
Talk back option tango.png All right. Let's talk another.
Talk more option tango.png Let's talk Primordus, yeah? a file I wish I had more time to work on. Tragic, I think. Pick a different dragon.
Talk back option tango.png Fine, we'll talk about another one.
Talk more option tango.png Love to hear about your thoughts on Mordremoth.
Mordremoth turned a lot of minds toward the ward... Many sylvari, like myself. I'd already been recruited, but Isgarren and Lyhr worked tirelessly to protect us from that dreaded...voice...
Talk more option tango.png Mordremoth was especially...
Horrid. I don't think we've fully reflected on those events. The ward, and my people... especially those of us who remained safe within Amnytas and the Wizard's Tower. I feel...guilt. Sick, even.
Talk more option tango.png That was a hard time for us all.
Yes, it truly was. Even the Mists noticed when Tyria started to rumble. Isgarren was anxious that we'd be attacked, by Eparch or...worse. There are many...things, just out of our sight. I... Sorry.
Talk back option tango.png Want to talk about something else?
Talk end option tango.png I'm good for now, actually.
Talk end option tango.png (Walk away.)