Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Worn Book

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Worn Book

Belief in Cantha.jpg

The Future in Jade
(New Kaineng City)

Worn Book is a book located in the Xunlai Jade Power Plant during the The Future in Jade story step. It can be found in the larger observation room one level higher on a desk near the window.

Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]


The Truth about Jade

The most prized among two distinct types of jade, jadeite (also called imperial jade) was historically only found as transparent-to-opaque, compact, cryptocrystalline lenses, veins, or nodules deriving from natural sources.

After Shiro Tagachi's assassination of Emperor Angsiyan, the "Jade Wind" released a wave of energy that transmuted much of the surrounding organic matter into jade and petrified the forests and structures of Echovald.

This event transformed the trade in jadeite overnight, from one of scarcity and even sacredness to a highly lucrative business, as the material was ideal for a number of arcane and practical applications. This is what every Canthan knows.

However, what is not taught in our history is how Lady Joon and Xunlai Jade have manipulated the market for their own purposes and are using their so called "jade tech" to control all of us with jade para-psycho energy! They're addicting us to their—

(The rest of the paragraph is covered by a note which reads "Don't let Supervisor Pak catch you reading this subversive crap!")

Related achievements[edit]