Race: Sylvari
Profession: Thief
Origin: The Grove
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Ceylon
Skin Color: Driftwood
Skin Pattern Color: Dark Pine
Order: Vigil
Birthday: August 27, 2018
Age: 6 years and 150 days
- I am Zanna Deeproot
- Though trouble may follow me, I overcome it with ferocity.
- The Pale Tree awakened me during the Cycle of Noon, and the most important of Ventari's teachings is: "Where life goes, so too, should you."
- While in my Dream, I dreamed of the Green Knight, and I'm called to find him.
- I'm an expert at subtlety and intrigue. A drawn hood lets me blend into the crowd.
- This is my story.
- Carapace
Trouble may follow, but I use my Ferocity to overcome it.
In this user's line of work, it's important to understand the power of subterfuge.
This user dreamed of a quest that calls them to action. It was a vision of the Green Knight.