User:Endrosz/2012 September

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Update - 25 September 2012[edit]


  • All recipe items are now account bound. Many were previously soulbound.
  • Obsidian Shards are now account bound.

Black Lion Trading Company[edit]

Dungeon Rewards[edit]

We've made some significant updates to dungeon rewards. I wanted to try and clarify them here. All of these changes have been the result of an original exploit which was letting players receive upwards of 20 levels by completing a single dungeon run. We initially closed this exploit, which caused some new problems. The result is this new system which should increase dungeon rewards for players who play though them normally but help curb inflation of rewards for those who are using exploitative methods to farm them.

  1. Dungeon tokens are now rewarded at the end of an explorable chain. This was done to stop players from repeatedly entering a chain and farming the first boss that dropped tokens rather than playing the entire chain. At some point in the near future, we will make up for this by making dungeon tokens a rare drop so that even players who are not completing a chain can make partial progress toward the rewards.
  2. Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day. This means that if players can complete all 3 chains of a dungeon in a day, they'll receive a total of 180 tokens, which is enough to purchase some of the smaller rewards.
  3. Dungeon tokens should be account bound. This will allow players to have a single character farm tokens for their other characters.

Update - September 17, 2012[edit]


  • Discovery crafting may now use items directly from a player's bank.


  • Retaliation: This boon no longer reflects damage received from siege weapons.

Update - September 14, 2012[edit]


  • Castle lord, bodyguards, and capture point for Stonemist Castle moved to the first floor.
  • "Harpy Feathers" consumable effect disabled.

Update - September 8, 2012[edit]


  • Players can now do the production portion of crafting without having to pull the resources from their bank. Note: Discovery still requires use of the bank. This is something we would like to change but decided that getting part of the way there was better than making players wait for the entire fix.
  • The following Cooking Materials are no longer sold for Karma and are now acquired through drops, gathering nodes, or loot bags: Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chili Peppers, Thyme, Black Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Bay Leaves, Walnuts, and Oranges.

Update - September 9, 2012[edit]

  • Pets can no longer be revived using the F prompt. This is because you can either use F4 to swap pets which will bring that pet back alive or you can wait until you are out of combat at which point you pet will revive automatically. We felt it was doing a disservice to Ranger players to incentivize them to spend a long time reviving their pet when it was a very inefficient thing to do and happened after combat anyway. This will also help clear up F to interact functionality.


  • Interact F should use the following priority:
    1. Your current selection
    2. Loot
    3. Revive/Stomp
    4. Anything else