Living World Season 4 content

Torn Page (Thunderhead Peaks)

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Torn Page

Torn Page 2.jpg

Deldrimor Ruins
(Thunderhead Peaks)
Other images

Interactive map

Torn Page is an object found outside a tent southwest of Waypoint (map icon).png History's End Waypoint. Interacting with it will award the player with Vision of Allies: Caithe.


Shiverpeak Mountains


Upon interaction

This appears to be a page from Caithe's journal.

Talk more option tango.png Read on. (Opens book)
Talk end option tango.png I'll pass.


Torn Page

(This appears to be a fragment of a journal.

It's strange. Here, at the end, all I can think about is the beginning.

You were so small once. A tiny, jewel-bright bird beginning to test her wings. Every time you took flight, it stole my breath away. I should've spent more time in those moments, little one. Now I'll never see you fly again.

And Kralkatorrik—the one who took you from me—has slipped through our fingers again. The end has come. Without you, what hope does Tyria have? My duty now is to bear witness to the end of all things. To stand beside your shell as I wait for reality itself to crumble away.

It doesn't frighten me. How could it? My world ended when your heart stopped beating.

The Pale Tree, the Dream, Ventari's Tablet—they taught us sylvari are born fully grown. But before you, I was a child. I considered myself the most important creature in the world.

I made so many mistakes.

(There appear to have been more pages at one point, but they have been removed.)

Related achievements[edit]


While the object name is "Torn Page" the textbox labels it as "Journal Fragment".


  • This is an excerpt of Caithe's story in All of Nothing: Requiem. The full story can be found by following the link, and clicking on Caithe's portrait.
  • The line "I considered myself the most important creature in the world" refers to Caithe's glib rebuttal of Secondborn Cadeyrn's call for action, where her declaration "You are either firstborn...or you are simply sylvari" is attributed to the eventual formation of the Nightmare Court.