Talk:Relic/salvage research
Additional notes[edit]
I've created this page and stated my assumptions at the top. I suspect all relics have only one type of charm salvage type. I'd like to salvage enough relics to be able to move all of the items in the bottom-left of the below table to one of the other three columns.
The introduction of the legendary relic is obviously the perfect opportunity to salvage all the exotic relics and get some good data.
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-Chieftain Alex 10:33, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
- Moved a couple, don't have more copies (except for fractal which will have to wait). DJemba (talk) 10:56, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
Early analysis[edit]
- Mystic Salvage Kit (25%)
- 3 relics salvaged.
- 0 charms obtained.
Discontinued this kit test as seemed dumb to waste expensive materials with this kit.
- Black Lion Salvage Kit (50%)
- 56 relics salvaged.
- 490 Lucent Motes obtained (range of 6-15 with a heavier weighting towards lower results, for an average of 8.75 per relic).
- 8 charms obtained (for an average of 1/7th of a charm per relic).
- 2 Charms of Brilliance from 10 items known to salvage into those.
- 5 Charms of Potence from 11 items known to salvage into those. This seems heavily skewed but could be random.
- 1 Charms of Skill from 21 items known to salvage into those.
- 0 Charms from 14 items with unknown charm salvage type.
I don't know if its entirely random, but it seems like the salvage rate for Skill may not be equal to Brilliance/Potence. My observed drop data is Charm of Skill (~0.05 per relic) vs Brilliance/Potence (combined at ~0.33 per relic) ==> 6.6x more likely).
The trading post prices are currently 5 95
vs 1
/ 2
(say average 2g) respectively ==> about 3x the price.
Long story short after salvaging maybe >400g worth of relics, I netted back about 20g and used two Black Lion Salvage kits. Any hopes I had of recuperating any gold spent buying the legendary rune/relic have been thoroughly dashed :)
-Chieftain Alex 10:53, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
Follow up[edit]
- Kit type doesn't matter : virtually the same odds for all the kits, 1/10 for charms.
- If you do salvage a charm, you get 0 Lucent Motes.
- For the other 9/10 results : usually 10 motes per salvage.
- All relics confirmed as having at least one charm as a salvage result.
- No relics observed in the 318 occurrences that salvage into two or more charm options.
-Chieftain Alex 22:16, 9 March 2024 (UTC)
Note Regarding Potential Table Format Update[edit]
Might be a good idea to update these tables with a '# salvaged' column as everyone with a legendary relic gets rid of all of their old ones. I was about to just discard my old relics and unopened [Relic Chest]s after salvaging 4 or 5 relics because I was only getting lucent motes, but then a charm popped up. My first entry on that table would be: Salvaged 38 Relics of the Afflicted with the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic and received 345 Lucent Motes and 4 Charms of Brilliance Separ (talk) 18:49, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
- Done. -Chieftain Alex
20:37, 27 February 2024 (UTC)