Take down the effigies before the Flame Legion recaptures Incendio Templum

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Take down the effigies before the Flame Legion recaptures Incendio Templum

Interactive map

Interactive map

Take down the effigies before the Flame Legion recaptures Incendio Templum is part of the Flame Legion Battles meta event in Incendio Templum.


  • Upper Incendio Templum
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Lower Incendio Templum
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Flame Effigies Killed: x/2


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,037 Experience.png 130 Karma 30 Copper coin
Silver 881 Experience.png 111 Karma 26 Copper coin
Bronze 778 Experience.png 98 Karma 23 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 25 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Faint Ghostnight: Sir, incoming effigy!
Rankar Harrownight: Don't joke with me, soldier!
Faint Ghostnight: It's huge! What's the battle plan?
Rankar Harrownight: Not joking? Okay. Stand strong! We can beat them!
During the event
Hazarar Razenight: One wrong move and we're dead! Don't stop attacking!
Hazarar Razenight: Keep it up! We'll down this thing in no time!
Rankar Harrownight: Keep attacking!
Rankar Harrownight: It's strong, but not unbeatable! We can kill it!
Rankar Harrownight: We almost have it!
Rankar Harrownight: That was a little ugly, but it's dead. Let's finish the other one!
Event success
Savor Foulnight: In the end they were nothing more than a pile of sticks.
Hazarar Razenight: That was their best? We've got this fight in the bag.
Rankar Harrownight: Scratch another victory into your belts!
Savor Foulnight: (cheer) The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Event failure
Rankar Harrownight: They're too powerful. We have to retreat!

(The warband runs outside the temple.)

Rankar Harrownight: Take some time and regroup! The Flame Legion is still a threat!
Hazarar Razenight: What's time going to fix? We failed the mission, and I got more kills than any of you did.
Faint Ghostnight: Yeah, well, you wouldn't have gotten those kills without me.
Faint Ghostnight: I did all the work, and you just knocked them down. That's nothing to be proud of. You stole my kills!
Savor Foulnight: Did you forget the boss and I were watching your backs? Neither of you would have killed anything without us. Idiots.
Hazarar Razenight: That's bull—
Rankar Harrownight: You're relieved, soldiers! I'll revise the battle plans.
