Stop the skritt from stealing turret parts

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Stop the skritt from stealing turret parts

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop the skritt from stealing turret parts is a level 45 event that occurs in Ratcatcher Knoll. Two Skritt Scouts will appear on the nearby hill to the west of Kinar Fort discussing a plan to steal supplies before going to Tongue Rock and disappearing in the caves, at which point skritt will begin to assault the fort.


  • Turret Parts Remaining: 8
  • Time remaining: 6:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,963 Experience.png 221 Karma 51 Copper coin
Silver 2,518 Experience.png 188 Karma 44 Copper coin
Bronze 2,222 Experience.png 166 Karma 39 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 45 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before the event starts, on the western hill overlooking the fort
Skritt Scout (male): I did hear a wagon! I did. Look! Look look.
Skritt Scout (female): Ooh! Boxes. Lots of boxes. I bet there's good things in those.
Skritt Scout (male): We need those. Get some friends. We'll take boxes and see what's inside.
Even start
Sentinel Faithshredder: Look alive! Skritt scouts have been sighted nearby.
Legionnaire Faithbreaker: Dirty skritt! Kill them all. Only way to stop them from stealing our supplies.
Centurion Darktooth: Make it quick. We didn't come here to kill thieves.
Upon event success
Sentinel Faithshredder: Is that the last of them?
Centurion Darktooth: For now, but vermin breed rapidly. They'll be sniffing around soon enough.
Legionnaire Faithbreaker: If they want my grub, they'll have to get past me.
Sentinel Machinist Darkmuzzle: More supplies for the war effort, excellent! I'll get these set up straight away, Centurion.
Upon event failure
Legionnaire Faithbreaker: Pathetic. We can hold off armies, but not a pack of rodents?
Centurion Darktooth: We're not done yet. The skritt stole from us. That doesn't mean they'll live to enjoy it.