Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Statue (Tower of Secrets)

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Bronze Deimos Trophy.jpg

Tower of Secrets
(The Wizard's Tower)
Other images

Bronze Samarog Trophy.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Statue is the name of two objects found in the Tower of Secrets story step. Depicting Samarog and Deimos they are located in an office in the east of the instance.

Story involvement[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]


Deimos' Statue
This statue has a plaque engraved with the following:
"Deimos: Felled by the Pact commander. Never forget that Tyria has defenses of their own. We need not shoulder every burden. — Isgarren"
Talk end option tango.png Well, that's one way to send a message.
Samarog's Statue
This statue has a plaque that reads:
"Samarog was not our destiny to correct, but that of another. We must keep our eyes on the Obscure. The rest...will correct itself.
Talk end option tango.png Seems like Isgarren was pretty single-minded.