Rebuild First Haven's defenses to guard against the undead

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Rebuild First Haven's defenses to guard against the undead

Interactive map

Interactive map

Rebuild First Haven's defenses to guard against the undead is a level 26 event that occurs in Stonebore Vaults.


  • Blocks of Stone
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Block of Stone.png
  • Your contribution: x


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,096 Experience.png 135 Karma 31 Copper coin
Silver 931 Experience.png 115 Karma 27 Copper coin
Bronze 822 Experience.png 102 Karma 24 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 26 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


Gather Blocks of Stone from Stone Block objects and return them to Foreman Wraun. If you protect the Workers from the spiders, they will also contribute.






When enough stone has been gathered
Foreman Wraun: That should do it. I'll stay as long as I can for any stragglers, but no promises.
Upon event completion
Foreman Wraun returns to First Haven and repairs the damages caused by the Risen
Foreman Wraun: There! Good as new. I hope the undead choke on my handiwork.
Foreman Wraun: They [sic] should keep those rotting corpses at bay.