Professor Hamm

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Professor Hamm


Interactive map

Professor Hamm is a teacher at the Splorg Metamystics Lab. Many of the experiments he performs end up badly, mostly due to interference of the progeny he looks after.


Maguuma Jungle

Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png Defeat the marsh drake broodmother Professor Hamm had claimed to have tamed (2)
Event star (tango icon).png Use sizemachangers to shrink yourself and defeat the mosquitoes tormenting tiny progeny (2)
Event swords (tango icon).png Use aquabody suits to extinguish fires with firesnuff spray (2)
Event boss (tango icon).png Defeat the rampaging dolyak holo-projection (2)
Event fist (tango icon).png Weaken the unruly transformed progeny to return them to normal (2)


After Defeat the marsh drake broodmother Professor Hamm had claimed to have tamed
Time for personal study and reflection allows progeny to pursue their own interests. You'd be surprised how much progress they can make in a very short time.
(if asura)
Talk more option tango.png Not much has changed since my time here.
Splorg metamystics is still the top precollege for young asura progeny. Our students have always left here over-qualified to enter any of the specialized colleges: Statics, Dynamics, or Synergetics.
Talk end option tango.png Keep up the good work.
(if non-asura)
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place.
You have entered Splorg Metamystics, a precollege for young asura progeny. When our students leave here they'll enter one of the three more specialized colleges: Statics, Dynamics, or Synergetics.
Talk more option tango.png What do you teach here?
I think the more appropriate question would be what don't we teach here? Our lessons cover everything Eternal Alchemical. You would be hardpressed to find a better precollege than Splorg Metamystics.
Talk end option tango.png That's great. Keep up the good work.
Talk end option tango.png Keep shaping those young minds!
Talk end option tango.png The young mind is a marvelous thing.
After Use sizemachangers to shrink yourself and defeat the mosquitoes tormenting tiny progeny
Hands-on activities are quite popular with the progeny. Unfortunately, the results can be unpredictable. It's exciting to to consider what they are capable of accomplishing. And a bit frightening.
Talk more option tango.png Not much has changed since my time here. (if Asura) (same as above)
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place. (if non-Asura) (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.
After Use aquabody suits to extinguish fires with firesnuff spray
Phew. Now that the smoke has cleared, I can see that the progeny under my charge should really take more care when practicing advanced pyrokinetics.
(if asura)
Talk more option tango.png Not much has changed since my time here. (same as above)
(if non-asura)
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
After Defeat the rampaging dolyak holo-projection
I can't believe one of my progeny managed to transmagnarify a holo-projection into this reality? It nearly destroyed their entire classroom. So of course, he will be receiving the highest grade.
(if asura)
Talk more option tango.png Not much has changed since my time here. (same as above)
(if non-asura)
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Of course. How else will they learn?
After Weaken the unruly transformed progeny to return them to normal
These progeny of mine are the most troublesome bunch I've ever been issued. But they also have great potential. I only wish they would be more cautious in their studies.
(if asura)
Talk more option tango.png Not much has changed since my time here. (same as above)
(if non-asura)
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this place. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png They'll learn one way or another.
While Defeat the marsh drake broodmother Professor Hamm had claimed to have tamed is active
I had tamed a broodmother to use as a learning tool in class, but somehow it fell back into old, deadly habits. Can you please expel it from my classroom?
Talk end option tango.png Leave it to me.
While Use sizemachangers to shrink yourself and defeat the mosquitoes tormenting tiny progeny is active
Sparks! If only these progeny weren't so difficult to catch. Or see. You, there—help me return them to their normal size! Just shrink yourself and trigger a reverse-polatrity event.
Talk more option tango.png Come again?
Use a sizemachanger gun, then defeat the polarized organism that shrunk with the progeny. That will restore the progenies' size. But act quickly, as the shrinkage effect isn't permanent.
Talk more option tango.png Wait, what happened here?
A sizemachanger misfired when it hit the progenies and mosquitoes at the same time. Restore the progenies by killing the insects, canceling their magno-magical charges.
Talk end option tango.png Right. I've got this.
Talk end option tango.png I'll take care of it.
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
While Use aquabody suits to extinguish fires with firesnuff spray is active
(cough) Quickly, find an aquabody suit dispenser and coat yourself in flamesnuff spray. Then stand near the fires and let the spray do its job! I'll see to the welfare of the progeny.
Talk more option tango.png Where are the aquabody suit dispensers?
They're around here somewhere. Big things. Hang from ceilings. Clearly labeled "Aquabody Suit Dispenser." Can't miss 'em.
Talk end option tango.png Right.
Talk end option tango.png I can't help you.
While Defeat the rampaging dolyak holo-projection is active
A simple, harmless projection has been turned into a complex, harmful dolyak. Please remove that dangerous creature from my classroom.
Talk end option tango.png I'll take care of it.
While Weaken the unruly transformed progeny to return them to normal is active
Oh my. A potion experiment gone awry has transformed all of my progeny into micro-tots. In theory, the effects should wear off if the progeny themselves are weakened. Can you help?
Talk end option tango.png I'll give it a shot.


  • Events related to him run 5 minutes after the completion of the last event in the cycle.